Why would anyone want a dog like this? - Page 11

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by joanro on 27 April 2013 - 21:04

But Gustav, you must admit, it certainly is entertaining ;-) LOL

by hexe on 27 April 2013 - 21:04

joanro, that's just not right...I don't generally bother with the whole 'like' crap, but in this instance I made an exception for you and 'liked' your post, because it's only fair.  Glad that you and Hans both got the logic of it; remember when Saturday Night Live did 'smart' funny and not just 'easy' funny?

<LOL> You folks have no idea how long I've been waiting for an opportunity to make reference to "What if...Eleanor Roosevelt could fly?"  in a post...

by joanro on 27 April 2013 - 21:04

LOL! And still LOL! wiping tears!
Yes, I do remember. And I still got a dislike for my 'entertaining' post. What a hoot. Is it any wonder this country is in the state it's in...people can't get over their personal dislikes for individuals, no matter how logical they may be....same way the politicians supposed to be running this gov behave. LOL.

by Paul Garrison on 27 April 2013 - 22:04

At the rate this country is going down hill, it won't be long before many will be looking for man eaters just to keep their things and bad people out.

by joanro on 27 April 2013 - 22:04

LOL. Paul, my vet said the same thing... He said he'd have two of my dogs ; one for the front door and one for the back door!

by BHutch on 27 April 2013 - 23:04

When I see statistics like this I always wonder, who is determining the breed? the person who was bitten? the doctor making the report? I also wonder are there more bites reported for breeds like German Shepherds, Labradors, Mixed breeds because there are more of them to have potential bites. Do not believe everything you read, this is nothing more than journalistic sensationalism. I see it all the time, journalist taking huge liberties with the truth and more sheep taking it as gospel. If there is only one dog of some rare breed in this county and they bite a vicious attacker of their owner, I could see the headlines "Rare breed dog VICIOUS! 100% of this rare breed dog have reported bites!"  Just like the title of this article "Pit bulls far outpace other breeds in bite reports" Yet I see that they must be including all American bulldog, terrier mixes and mixed breeds in order to come up with this statistic (term used loosely). So we are to assume all terriers, mixed breeds and American bulldogs are pit bulls or pit bull mixes? Wow!  Does this mean that all Scottish Terriers and Miniature Schnauzers are pit bull's too since they are terriers? This is silly, as are most of your arguments Briitany. Your idea and my idea of a good dog can be and most likely are different, and I still will not say yours should be put to sleep. I think you are entitled to own your type of dog and I am entitled to own mine, and I will not even tell you why I think you are wrong or bad mouth you for your opinion.


by VonIsengard on 28 April 2013 - 00:04


Wait, what? Pretty sure all three of those breeders use this forum, one responded to you here. Talk about burning bridges.

I think you meant to post here: http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/golden_retriever/

by hexe on 28 April 2013 - 00:04

Game-set-match, VonIsengard!


by vonissk on 28 April 2013 - 01:04

I wondered when that was going to come up too. Vonisengard I swear you an I are having a lot of similar thoughts lately. Hmmmmmmm. Great minds think alike.


by Prager on 28 April 2013 - 05:04

Blitzen no, that is not what you said. You again, now famously, contradicted your self in two sentences. I know it really does not matter and it is out of topic,  but illogical statements drive me up the tree. 
As a response to me saying that: ( generally) statistic include ( legally) bad and good bites  you are saying in first sentence :  
"Those dog bites statistics do not take into consideration people who are bitten when perpetrating a crime, dogs that bite to defend their property or bites incurred when breaking up a dog fight , etc..
Then in second sentence you say that :"
"They only reflect the number of people who receive dog bites who are treated by a doctor or at  emergency room; the details of the bites are not listed. "
Thus do they reflect all bites in emergency room or they do not take into considerations legal bites which happen when someone is perpetrating a crime? 

 Me saying that ( generally) statistic include ( legally) bad and good bites was an attempt to defend  GSD which was on top of the list . That is since they are used in LE and for personal protection . Also there are comparatively large numbers of GSDs in comparison to other breeds,  thus just a number of bites good or bad listed like that is idiotic just as the whole article its idiotic. 
Prager Hans



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