A Little Fable - Page 61

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by GSDtravels on 12 April 2014 - 16:04

Our dogs save us every single day, they're truly our best friends, with our best interest in their hearts!  Drake and I are going to go for the first topless ride in our new Jeep today, togerther :)  I hope your day is as beautiful as this wonderful blue sky and you get out there and enjoy it!  Isn't life a precious, fragile, mysterious and wonderful thing?  I'm glad you're in it! 


by GSDtravels on 12 April 2014 - 16:04

Hey Jackie, when YR makes is up this way, you'd better be up for a visit!  I could use a road trip!

by JonRob on 13 April 2014 - 15:04


We are so happy for you Jackie! You fought so very hard for this great victory.

Wishing you a long and happy road ahead where things just keep getting better!



by Kalibeck on 13 April 2014 - 20:04

Thank you JonRob & Travels, I am very happy about this, still a long road ahead, but going in the right direction! 

jackie harris


by susie on 13 April 2014 - 20:04

So glad for you!
Thought about you a lot during vacation - you gave a part of your spirit and your energy to a lot of us - made at least me aware that life is beautiful and that we shouldn´t waste our time with too much unhappiness.


by Kalibeck on 13 April 2014 - 21:04

Wow Susie, how beautiful! Is that Hawai'i? It reminds me of the beach at Waimanalo, in better days! I hope you had a wonderful time! 

That is so true! Live life to the fullest, you never know what's around the corner!

Thank you!

jackie harris


by susie on 14 April 2014 - 17:04

It´s the isle Sal, part of the Cape Verde Islands. One unforgettable week with my son !!!
He is a young adult now, and maybe this was our last trip together for a long time - I enjoyed every second!


by Kalibeck on 14 April 2014 - 21:04

Beautiful photo, thanks for sharing! Yes, take every minute you can with your son, once they are out on their own its hard to find time to be together. Mine lives with his wife in Portland, Oregon, a continent away. And he has a successful young business, so his time is spoken for. I spent a week with him & his wife almost 2 years ago now...we enjoyed our time, too!

This was after our trip to Cannon Beach, we stopped at an overlook to take a few pictures....

jackie harris


by Kalibeck on 24 April 2014 - 16:04

Another surgery yesterday, to remove radiation burns to my upper thigh. I look like Frankenstein, I have so many stitches all around the top of my thigh! And the day after surgery, I feel like one big ouch! Pity party....!

jackie harris

by Nans gsd on 24 April 2014 - 17:04

OOOOOH Jackie:  am so sorry to hear this, who burned you with radiation; or is that the norm for radiation.  This happened to a friend of mine who was getting radiation;  scourched her terribly.  You just keep on keep'en on.  So proud of the fight you have put yourself through to get better;  you are a true hero.  Feel better soon,  think about you often.  Nan


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