which country has not ruined the german shepherd? - Page 5

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by OpticNerve on 21 November 2014 - 23:11

no one questioned duke... But is he in north america? I doubt it, but i could be wrong.  Someone who knows what they are doing and producing such strong dogs like him? I doubht they are in america. Again I could bite my tounge.

by vk4gsd on 21 November 2014 - 23:11

"This is the production record of 3 generations of GSD's whelped in the US from 2 German imports."


that would be the point, now do the math on how many dogs bred, how many accomplished imported dogs, and contrast this to yr figures and be prepared to be underwhelmed.


are these your dogs, you breed them honest question?


now for balance you should show the stats on US MWD,  LEO and sport that are imported to US compared to home grown and how many US dogs are exported for service and sport to other euro.


if ya gonna throw up numbers then do it properly.




by OpticNerve on 21 November 2014 - 23:11

I do not know why she is being defensive if she is a pet breeder that is okay, we are not bashing her, there is a high demand for pets out there.  Was just more curious about the harder type of gsd to find and i dont think this applies to her or her dogs.

by vk4gsd on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

who knows?


i thought it was a good open discussion with no drama untill it got derailed.

by OpticNerve on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

They just got emotional.

by OpticNerve on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

How do you feel about slovakias police dogs? I think they are all german shepherds? same with czechs?


by Jenni78 on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

I didn't even see a particular question to answer. I wasn't avoiding anything. I just saw ranting and it made me curious as to what countries you're (general you) talking about because your comments seem like the comments of inexperience. Nothing personal or insulting intended. When I ask how many GSDs you've handled, I don't mean for 5 minutes or swapping dogs w/club members, lol, and the fact that you thought I was suggesting you play musical dogs tells me I'm on the right track with my hypothesis. I mean, over the years, how many GSDs have you handled/owned that you're using to draw your conclusions that they suck? Have you gone through 40 dogs in 10 years and have given up? Or are you researching all you can via internet videos and making judgments based on that? Truthfully, I hardly bother to watch videos because they really don't tell the whole story. I can see where someone obsessed with video would be more pessimistic about the breed than I am, though. 

There are many, many, very strong GSDs around the world. In order to find them, you have to to know where to look. The longer I'm in dogs and the more I learn, the more I know where to look and the more I find that I would really love to have...if I won the lottery. If you base the GSD's status on what you see on the internet and a few local clubs in Australia, well, let me just say that's not a very accurate sample of the GSD today. The best marketers and the ones selling the most dogs are not necessarily an accurate sampling of what's out there. Sure, there are things I really don't like to see the breed veering toward, but there are still good litters to be had. I find the strongest dogs as a rule, are easier found amongst the folks who are harder to find and don't go around posting sales videos on the internet. I just bought a puppy from a woman in her 70's. I'm grateful for a quick clip of the pup playing- the real enthusiasts who are keeping the GSD a solid working dog are not flooding the internet with training videos. Hell, half of them barely use a computer. 

vk, you can say anything you want about your dog........from the safety of Australia, lol. Unless I'm wrong, you are on your first GSD (nothing wrong with that-everyone starts somewhere) and I don't really think you're in a position to run down other people's dogs (and, in fact an entire breed) who you've got absolutely zero clue about. Your dog might be amazing; he might be the most amazing of all the 9 good GSDs in Australia. Tongue SmileTeeth Smile But that's neither here nor there, and to get into a pissing match about whose dog is better....ugh, no thank you. I wish every dog had an owner who thought it was the very best. 

I don't so much take offense to the USA comments as the notion that GSDs in general are in such dire straits. All the dogs here were imports at one point. I see no issue with importing- I think there is a Walmart mentality in the USA that spurs the endless imports because there are a lot of trend breeders who breed to sell puppies out of big name dogs. However, I think Duke's post is a really important fact to consider. GSDs are still very much in demand. Just today, I got a call from a K9 (police) trainer today who is looking for 2 dogs, one family protection/strong deterrent type, and one manstopper. He is not considering other breeds due to the delicate balance the dog must possess to do the job. Point being...the GSD is not ruined or hopeless. 

And c'mon............seriously, vk4? You cannot really be saying that because there is not mass export from the USA to Germany or other Euro countries that the conclusion can be drawn that Americans aren't doing a good job....please tell me I'm misunderstanding. 

I don't really have much else to say on the topic. Food for thought is all I was/am trying to provide. 

by vk4gsd on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

duke is blackbull i believe, check out his channel, he is the real deal.


been following him for a long time.


when i get my next dog and if i can afford to import, i will be hitting him up.


i would have went to US eurosportk9 to dip back in the same gene pool i already got and believe in but the kennel all went KAPUTZ.


 i doubt he is US??





by Blitzen on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

I don't need to prove anything to you, vk, and whether or not I own/owned any of these dogs is not relevant to the discussion.

The point is that there are many breeders in the US who are breeding, training, titling good dogs. Do you really think it's easy to BHOT and HOT so many dogs to so many titles in 3 generations, 3 litters, 20 puppies? Try it and get back to us in 15, 20 years....or not. 

I don't know the stats of the LEO dogs, I am not qualified to judge those dogs or their breeders or trainers.  Ergo, I don't comment on their dogs unless it is congratulatory for a job well done. I am always happy to see anyone succeed with a GSD; it is good for the breed so I don't care if they are showlines, workingline lines, RinTinTin XXX, or junkyard dogs. If you want to always critisize US breeders for being inferior, then you should be the one compiling the stats - if you're going to dump on US dogs, then do it properly with stats you can back up.

by vk4gsd on 22 November 2014 - 00:11

nothing like jen to turn every thread she is on into a chance to trot our her sketchy credentials based on other peoples effort that she loosely can claim an association to, wave rider for sure.


it's not how long you been around, it's what you do while you are there.








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