So, what's it's going to be for the GSD forum............... - Page 3

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by TessJ10 on 28 July 2009 - 21:07

"So what if you don't like an OT thread? Don't read it, that's all. Clicking the abuse button on everything that you don't think belongs here is somewhat childish in nature, and is a waste of Oli's time."

Except that the OT threads violate the terms of use of this site since they are not dog-related, therefore they should be removed. 

Except that the OT threads have become so numerous that it is difficult some days to even find dog-related threads.

Except that the OT threads are so filled with a) stupidity and b) vitriol that it gives the impression that the rest of us are as a)stupid and b) vitriolic as the handful of OT thread starters. 

I agree with you on the other yahoos such as the one on horsephoto's asking how to find out about her rescue dog.  That poster is just a jerk.


by Palestar on 28 July 2009 - 21:07

Interesting topic.  Admittedly, I do not stay glued to the PDB because it is filled with BS.  I like it to research pedigrees and sometimes, like now, I end up back here when I do a general Google search and in the results the PDB comes up. In fact, I don't know how long the split has been but it threw me off looking for just the single link

I have found that when I google first, I can usually find the info I need quickly and accurately if it has been discussed here.

Another tip for surviving the PDB...if the replies are in the 100' is probably the name calling, mud slinging, soap opera topics...just don't click on em because they are like quick sand, they suck you in and bog you down.  Smack your finger if it hovers over those topics. Just say no.  LOL

I do hope to get a response to my ovulation test kits question thou...guess time will tell.


by Xeph on 28 July 2009 - 22:07

Rik, I've admitted time and again that I'm inexperienced in some things, but I've had experience in others, and my opinions aren't going to change because of that.  You seem to like to run it under the guise of "She's young and stupid".

Believe it or not, you could just, you know, disagree with me and let it be that.  Instead, you choose to be childish and CONSTANTLY "call out" people like myself, and Uber Land, who don't seem to fit in with your grand scheme.

Heck, isn't this topic topic?  Let it go x.x


by Rik on 28 July 2009 - 22:07

Bob, exactly what is that gives you that impression of me. Is it because I come to a GSD board to talk GSD.

Is it because I start a thread that draws in many very experienced GSD people with very interesting comments.

Is it because several comment on how much they enjoy the thread. Both on the thread and by PM.

Is it because I have through 25 years of showing GSD, gained a little knowledge of GSD anatomy, which I enjoy talking about with others, and freely give my opinion.

Or is it because I refuse to further put up with this mean spirited old fool who only has bad things to say about good people and good dogs.

On this very thread I mention, this person ask the question about lifting fronts. She gets many good answers, all the while knowing that her next move is to post a bad picture of a good dog, that is easily recognized.

So, sorry. Maybe no one calls this person out before I "pop" up. But I'm here now.


by bondos mom on 28 July 2009 - 22:07

I'm sure I will start YET ANOTHER "trash Bondos Mom" party, here...but I have to say that when I posted  a few questions I experienced some of the most rude, mean spirited people I have ever encountered.  Few were VERY helpful, encouraging...NICE  and I tried to PM each of them with a special thanks.  It made me not want to be associated with Schutzhund because if PURE FEAR of what these people must be like in "real life"  at shows and meets.  Scared me to death!!  I am thrilled to say I  did find a newly foming club where at least on the phone the people are very nice and helpful...Rock goes for the first time, Saturday.  So, thanks again for all those nice and helpful and knowledgable few.... and to the otherwise,  YOU WERE ONCE JUST LEARNING, as well.  Try to remember that.



by Rik on 28 July 2009 - 22:07


I am also just learning Sch. Just joined a club, my pup is 9 mo. 

I look at the dogs practice and wonder how will I ever learn to train a dog to spin around so quickly to correct position

I am amazed at how quickly these dogs react. And seem very happy to do it.

Many years ago I trained a couple of dogs to CD. But then it was the "snatch and jerk" Kohler method and the dogs never worked "happy".

Good luck,


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 28 July 2009 - 23:07


 The Interestomg comments by those you  drew in  were  also attacking posters and other people on the board they  don't care for and to no avail , what good that did was to make others not want to post here any longer...   That was noticed by a whole

bunch of people in the thread you just put on and it seems you came into this thread and the other one with a negative   and I mean 


  and that is what Bob is referring to...Your name calling out others you disagree with   because , what is strange to the beginning of the other thread , you were very coridial to Xeph and were discussing with Sunsilver until       MRS. TOMATEN SALAD.... SILBERSEE,  came on and started her disagreeing name calling of the other two and the   back yard breeder who plasters  her dog photos all over the board to sell her pups......... goodness me......  where is that breeder ?????  would you like to name her...instead of talking out of both sides of your mouth....yes     that thread started the disgruntle ...that is what BOB is talking about and also Crys  and  Blk/red, sitasmom , paler, and bondosmom....and many others..,

I do not know who RIK is or where his experience is   but may be  he needs to give  Rita Ledda, Adrian Ledda, many others on the circuit of schutzhund show lines and work,,,,Russell Osborne can help you too.... 

 and discuss how to do what he is wanting...they dont post here....maybe the people you want to talk to don't come on here......just a thought..

by Bob McKown on 28 July 2009 - 23:07


"mean spirited old fool" A fool by a standard, by one who looks in the mirror, start what ever threads you like speak of what you like and remember not everyone agrees with you I,m glad you have some experience with showing dogs and am looking to increase your abality and knowledge but temper it with the knowledge that not every one agrees with you and ranting that they should leave the site because you don,t like what the have to say makes you look more the ass then any thing else. Telling people that there dogs are peices of shit also is not the way to make friends or show your desire to exchange good information.Good luck with your pup and I hope you show more patience with your new group then you seem to show here.


by Liesjers on 28 July 2009 - 23:07


There's been a change on the board...

Apparently this GSD forum, which is now divided into two forums, is like this:

GSD side, is for only those very experience clique of people who feel secure in their personal knowledge of the breed and want to talk to only those who are experienced as they are, and not be bothered by newbies or anyone who does not fit their criteria.

General Topic: this is for all dog related stuff posted by those who are not considered to be experts by the experts. Anyone considered to be a BYB for whatever reason, those of us who only have a rescue GSD, those who have American lines GSD, and so forth.

I am pretty much a noob.  I've only been into the breed a few years.  I have an adult bitch that I've put about a dozen titles on and am currently working an 11 month old in Schutzhund and dog diving as well as showing him every few months.  I've posted a few times in the GSD side and as far as I can tell have not been put down or picked on because I am a newbie.  Granted, I don't make myself a target...

I belong to several forums on a wide range of topics (some I pay to be a member of and have been for nearly a decade) and I will say that this forum seems to have the most instances of a few people continuously singling out others.  There's enough good stuff here to keep me coming back (and some that is purely for entertainment factor), but the maturity level is definitely lacking.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 29 July 2009 - 00:07



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