Simple pedigree chart for Comando from Tasmanian Devils (3242878)

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Simple pedigree chart for Comando from Tasmanian Devils

Comando from Tasmanian Devils
Athos Smolkovsky les IPO 3
(CMKUDS 93673/14)
SG Dago z Klidkova dvora IPO3
(CMKU76059/09 (AKC DN43068101))
SG Phalko vom Weinbergblick SCHH3, FH2, V-BSP, V-LGA, WUSV 2008
SG Cherokee von den Wölfen SCHH3
SG Fina vom Hainpark SCHH 3, SG-LGA, FH
SG Ines vom Weinbergblick SCHH 3
G Mona vom Haus Pixner SCHH 3 IP1
SG Nancy Eqidius SVV1
(SUCHNO41452/01/03 (CMKU/65507-07/01/07))
Xino van Roy's Hoeve WUSV, SCHH3, IPO3
Quinie van Melsterbosch IPO 3, SCHH3
V Nike Egidius SCHH3, IPO3, SVV1
G Arne Egidius SVV2, IPO3, SCHH3
SG Merry Venusina sopka ZVV1
V Karamel Anrebri IPO3,ZVV1
SG Ellute von der Mohnwiese SCHH3, IPO3, FH1, 2X BSP
V Aline von der Mohnwiese SchH3, FH1, WUSV (2000), SWHV Champion 1999
SG Emilka Anrebri SCHH3, IPO3, ZPO2, ZVV3, ZM
SG Allegra Egerstau ZVV2,
SG Gerda Venusina sopka IPO3, SchH3, FH2
SG Ero zo Stiavnickych hor IPO3, SCHH3, IPO-FH, FH2, ZVV1, ZPS1, ZPO1
G Bya Dubacik SVV1, IPO1
SG Asia venusina Sopka SchH1
SG Tula Venusina sopka ZVV1
Wessie z Kraje Karla IV IGP1, SPr1
SG Mates z Berounske basty ZVV3,ZPS2,ZPO1,IPO3,FPR3,FH2,ZMT,T3,OPT3
MISTR CR, 4*UM CR, Qwino Chmelovy kvitek IPO3,SCHH3, ZVV3, ZPO2, ZPS2, FH2, FPR3
SG Lim Gymor ZV1, SCHH 3,IPO 3,SCHH-A,
SG Fatty Gymor IPO3, SCHH3
SG Cesy Radhol IPO3, SCHH3, ZPS1, FH1
Polly Z Podskalky IPO3, SCHH1, ZVV2, OP1
SG Bona ze Svobodného dvora ZZO, ZVV3, ZPO1, IPO-V, IPO3, FPR3
V Vito vom Waldwinkel SchH3
G Dixi vom Hause Santiages SCHH 3
SG Cher Bily Trpaslik ZVV 1
V Denny Bily Trpaslík IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV3, ZPS1, FH2, UMCR IPO, IPO-FH
SG Wessy z Kraje Karla IV. ZVV1
SG Filip z Klidkova dvora IPO 3
V Balko von der Teufelskehle SchH3 IPO3(G-BSP)
G Wilma vom Ketscher Wald SCHH3 (LGA-FCI),
SG Cheri Eqidius ZVV1
(SUCHNO57499/08 (CMKU 75456/09/09/10))
SG Eta Eqidius SVV 1
(SUCHNO47245/04/05 (FI 55761/09))
SG Fatty z Kraje Karla IV. ZZO, ZOP, ZVV1
SG Santo Vikar ZVV3 SCHH3 IPO3
G Giori Vikar IPO3, SCHH3
SG Chessy Hronovsky Pramen ZM, ZVV 1, ZZO.
VD Nany Hronovsky Pramen BH, ZM, IPO 1, ZVV 1


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