PET PEEVE" HOW to spell : S E P A R A T E - Page 4

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by beetree on 13 January 2008 - 22:01

Hey Don, what happened? AT LEAST you used to have a sense of humor! (My dictionary does not recognize any word "atleast"). And just the other day I was thinking, whatever happened to good ,old DON C.? What is it? Invasion of the Body Snatchers and somehow Hodie is appearing in the voice of DON? Or is your football team losing, or maybe you ran out of beer? JUST KIDDING , good grief, this whole thread is tongue and cheek!

by Do right and fear no one on 13 January 2008 - 22:01

hmmm... not a big deal when someone spells something wrong, but I do find it a big deal when "we" assume that just because this is a site frequented by dog lovers/owners/breeders, that it is "okay" that we are sort of expected to not be literate or be able to construct a sentence somewhat correctly.  Many have made the case about this or that signal being sent to newbies to this site, concerning several subjects, yet we are okay with the signal being sent, that "dog people" just are not that literate.

Okie Dokie ya'll, I'm fine with dat.  I can lower or raise myself to whatever group I am wit at any given moment in time.  Just member dis thred later when I spells sumptin wrong or uses two many comas.  :)


by wanderer on 14 January 2008 - 02:01


Speaking of "whole" and "hole," check back on one of your earlier posts in this thread:

"THERE is a whole in my sock, THEIR car is broken, and THEY'RE going home."



by Rezkat5 on 14 January 2008 - 04:01


But, I bet I won't make that mistake again!




by PowerHaus on 14 January 2008 - 04:01

My pet peve is when people us waaaaaayyyyy too many CAPS and ..........dots.  Some is ok but when it is alot in one post, I have a difficult time following it!

But, I am not perfect either, so, oh well!




by Sunsilver on 14 January 2008 - 08:01

Netspeak and run-on sentences make me grit my teeth. I can overlook the odd typo, or spelling mistake, as no one's perfect, but I agree that at LEAST people who breed dogs should know how to spell 'shepherd' and 'son' or 'daughter'. Maybe they think by spelling it the German way, they'll fool us into believing their kennel is in Germany?? (heh, heh!)

I hang out on several Tolkien-related boards, and out of respect for the high literary standards set by the Professor, netspeak there is almost a BANNABLE offense! 

R U LOL yet?

I really wish schools would teach students to punctuate their sentence's (ugh!) and how to use apostrophes properly. I even see newspaper ads that use apostrophes to make a noun plural!

by von symphoni on 14 January 2008 - 22:01

I was in the bank the other day, standing in line behind 2 well dressed young men.  They apparently knew each other and one was telling a joke.  At the end of the joke the second young man said to the first (and I quote), "LOL, yeah that's crazy."

I paused and thought, "Did he really SAY, LOL?"

Clearly a sign of too much time spent in cyber-world.



by Rezkat5 on 14 January 2008 - 23:01



Come to think of it I may have done that a time or two! 

by Sparrow on 15 January 2008 - 01:01

My pet peeves in spelling have all been gone over already here.  Another pet peeve I have in SPEAKING is when people say "supposably" instead of supposedly.  Then there's the Pittsburgh version of y'all, "yinz", or even worse, "yinz guys".  Makes me shudder.  But the best is when people are trying to sound intelligent and they'll say "she gave it to he and I".  The rule is take one out of the equation and say it.  "She gave it to he" or "She gave it to I".  Here's your sign!

by Do right and fear no one on 15 January 2008 - 02:01

Sparrow, you are right.  Yinz is totally wrong.  It is yuins.


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