Longhairs are coming back? - Page 1

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by ATARTHS on 11 March 2008 - 18:03

Roumor has it that the S.V. is thinking to allow the longcoats back into the breed standard. Apparently a lot of Germans keep , breed , and work with longcoats and they even hold their own shows and clubs. People in Germany think that the S.V. will generate a wholelotta cashflow if it opens the door to the standard. Anyone knows anything on this?

by AKVeronica60 on 11 March 2008 - 18:03

I would like to ask owners of long stock coats something that I've been wondering about....do your dog's long stock coats shed water like the short/shorter stock coats do? Seems like if there is a harsh outer coat, even if long, and an under coat, then it should still shed water and be resistant to the weather. 

I don't know about the cash flow thing-- why is money always thrown out there as the be all and end all motivation? But the long stock coat might be a desirable part of the gene pool from what I've seen and heard.  I feel it is possibly not good to kick such a relatively harmless varient out of the shrinking gene pool.  Maybe those with more knowledge would like to comment on that? Nicely like intelligent grown ups?


by urban06 on 11 March 2008 - 18:03

Veronica They have always been back. Sadly, people usually think in short term thus applying current rules/regs. Do 100 breedings with some coats in there, the outcome will be a few statistical notes at best ( much like teeth, testicles, ect. ). Take care and remember its a sheep hearding dog, nothing more. Once folks see past this, then they can understand and improve the breed. Its the same as someone saying that you make them mad, you can tell them until your blue in the face you are not making them mad, THEY ARE MAKING THEMSELVES MAD!! Understand this logic, then we will be where we need to be.

by AKVeronica60 on 11 March 2008 - 19:03

So, do the long stock hairs shed water like shorter stock hairs?  I didn't ask this question of long coat GSD owners when I had the opportunity to ask in person. :-)



by Dash2 on 11 March 2008 - 19:03


I had a long stock coat dog (son of a VA1) in the 70's whose coat was very water repellent.  The top coat was long, but dense, and he had plenty of undercoat.   His hair was not terribly long on the body, mostly long fringe around the ears, legs, and tail.   Giving him a bath was a real chore as it was hard to get the undercoat wet all the way through. 

The main problem I had with his coat was that he had soft hair between his toes and the pads of his feet.  Here in the western US, there are burrs and foxtails that can stick to the hair and burrow into the skin and cause major problems. Even though I checked him everyday, he still ended up having surgery twice for them.  I eventually started shaving his feet in the late spring as a preventative measure.





by delacruz germanshepherds on 11 March 2008 - 19:03

Yes they do, I have 2 LC  one Plush and one standard  coatt they love to go swim when they come out and shake water comes of just like with a standard coat , just alot more water. What I noticed when LC'S swim or get wet their undercoat stays practicaly try., When I bath them it takes me longer to soak them and rinse them because it takes more water to soak that undercoat.

by delacruz germanshepherds on 11 March 2008 - 19:03


Yes we have our own clubs even shows , and yes you heard correctly hopefully by Jan.09 we will be aknowledged by the SV. It has nothing to do with Cashflow . If you ever owned a LC you would want them to be aknowledge to. They are as good in SchH, Conformation, etc as the standard coats may I say some of them are even better. Structure wise and conformation wise they are much more pure then some of  the overbreed standards.

The only diffrents is the coat .

by mkennels on 11 March 2008 - 19:03

I have a LC a short coat and plus coat and all three shed water just the same, but as the others have said before me it does take longer to bath a long coat with a thick undercoat.


by ATARTHS on 11 March 2008 - 20:03


I never said I dont want them back. On the contrary I would be very happy to see them in the breed standard. They come out the same parents as their short hair siblings , they have to my opinion , more consistent anatomy and are far more eye catching. As a breeder I have to admit that whenever I have a litter I feel two things during the produce of longhairs. One is a bit of disapointment because for now they are outside the choosing bracket, and the second is what a shame it is to discard a puppy just because it happened to be born with long coat. I have a lot of people waiting to get a longhair pup from my kennel, and its not because they have a lower price tag. people do like the looks of longcoats. So all in all if they come back everybody is happy, the people who likes longcoats, the S.V. will make more members and grow bigger and richer some guys say I dont know and the breeders will get better priices for longcoats and start working and showing them. I hate to put money into the equation but realisticly money has a lot to do with decisions of  this sort. The good thing is The WHOLE LITTER will be respected and not just the short coated members.

by delacruz germanshepherds on 11 March 2008 - 21:03


Thanks for your reply I do understand where you comming from and thank you for not being against the LC like you said it's not their fault. Also I do understand that breeders have a sort of disapointment when they have lc's in their litters, which should be expected somewhere down the lines.


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