Palin and aerial shooting of Wolves - Page 6

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by Trailrider on 04 September 2008 - 03:09

I am originally from the east coast, born and raised for the first 22 years of my life, Massachusetts. When I was there it was "fact" you could not walk in a straight line one mile without running into a road or house. Now ad 34 years, I would have to imagine that straight line has grown less. Yes PA and upper state NY, Vermont, Hew Hampshire might have a bit more woods. If you have never been west, it is alot different. You can literally walk hundreds of miles w/o running into anything but perhaps a gated off logging road. Wild animals have much, much more acreage to roam per human capita. The whole state of Montana has less than a million people in it, and you could put all the states mentioned above within its boundries. The wolves and other wildlife have alot of room to roam, it is they who come down onto ranches and kill livestock or family pets. Not the other way around. Why is that so hard to understand? Ranchers aren't going in to wipe them out just because they are there, its because they are not staying in the USFS properties. Alaska is even more emense than Montana. I am sure they have their reasons for controling the wolf population. Also Molly there are signs all over the darn place around here informing hikers etc. of wolf, bear etc. If you didn't ever venture down a trail because of a sign you would not go anywhere. It would be like saying "beware of the cars and trucks". More than likely those ladies were residents of that area and had walked/jogged that road numerous times before their encounter. Perhaps the wolves were being territorial with the dogs, but nobody will ever no that for sure.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 04 September 2008 - 04:09


Wolve's are territorial with coyote's, and bear's,  I don't think they would view a dog any differently, it's competition for resource's in their eye's.


Leave wild place's wild,  Sarah just told the crowd the north slop of Alaska is ripe and ready for drilling.


The native people of Alaska were once a migrating people before the modern world ruined them, they followed the herd's and migrated to hunt and to fish.   Now they are stuck in the world of making money for their food and shelter, gas for the snow mobile, TV, a six pack, and cloth's from china. 

People all over the world who once lived off the land have all fallen prey to progress and it's brought nothing but suffering and poor health, lower standard of living, and crime.   We should have left them alone too.

I was so sad when the last of the wild aboriginal people's of Austrailia gave up and came in from the bush,  I'm old enough to remember seeing that.  Africa is even a bigger disaster.  Those people were once strong and healthy, now look at what has been done to them.

It's not just the wild animal's that suffer modern man.  The wild people's have suffered worst.

By the way, Sarah Palin gave a good speech, I was impressed.  Now nightline is going on about the state trooper.



by darylehret on 04 September 2008 - 04:09

I don't have to live in the city to have the right to my feelings about protecting our countries' gangsta communities.  I don't have to see a gangsta, but I want to know they are out there, killing and thriving.  If I wanted to see a gangsta, I want to know where I can go to do so.  The problem is, they don't place signs marking gang trafficking areas.  Drive by shootings are a poor method of management for the gang population.  Arial shooting could be the answer...


by Trailrider on 04 September 2008 - 04:09

Two Moons , it is hard to get your point across thru writing, expression being lost in the print. I "know" wolves are territorial with coyotes, debateable bears. My point is they too are expanding their territory to make their lives easier. But my dogs will not be on their "whats for dinner list"? I don't blame them, would rather have a dinner that is easier to catch than a mouthful of elk/deer/moose hooves. They just should not blame the reprocussion....sounds like you have been to Montana/Idaho hunting? Would you say there is plenty of wilderness for a manageable amount of wolves to survive w/o coming down into the valleys where most ranchers/people live?  I think Molly said to sell more permits to people willing to hunt them basically one on one in their element. Good idea, it was on the table, but it is now held up in court......

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 04 September 2008 - 05:09


I'm sure they could find hunter's to control population instead of flying guy's out to shoot with I'm sure semi auto rifles.

The courts are so screwed up.  

I have been in Montana with a friend (resident) to hunt Prong Horn somewhere around Fort Peck?   I can't rememeber just where we were.  It's been over 20 year's ago.

I'm sure a wolf would find the pet dog or 4-H lamb just as tasty as a scrappy bovine.   Once they get over the fear of human's and get a taste of the good life you might as well shoot them, or pay out to transport them a hundred mile's and dump them off in someone else's little corner of the world.  

I woulder if you can get a gangsta tag?   Wonder what the bag limit would be?


by eichenluft on 04 September 2008 - 06:09

Daryl, your posts are usually intelligent and well-written.  This post is just stupid.  Comparing wolves, trying to live their lives but getting killed  en mass because they are doing what they need to survive - to gangsters - humans who prey on other humans?  When was a person actually attacked and killed by a wolf?  It is rare.  Comparing human scum of the earth to wolves is just ignorant, and an insult to the wolves. 

and as for the comment on livestock - the aerial killing is not happening in Montana or Wyoming where livestock is killed (occasionally) by wolves (and ranchers are reimbursed for each animal killed, wolves removed/relocated if they become a problem, other measures in place to protect the wolves AND the ranchers) - this is in Alaska.  No livestock, no ranchers.  No reason to kill IN THIS MANNER.  Aerial killing by non-hunters for political reasons.  HUGE difference.



by Ceph on 04 September 2008 - 09:09

For christsakes -- I was illustrating a Point...yes, the picture may very well be very likely fake because while many people are assholes, sitting around and taking a picture of someone getting bit by a wolf is really assholish.  However...attacks and provocations do happen.

AKGeorgia's Mom provided an example..."Anchorage is the largest city (about half the state's population), and over the winter there was a small pack of wolves stalking people and dogs on the trail about 3-4 miles from my house.  This was within a mile of a high school. "

Dont you think the people in Alaska know a little about their own situation than most.

Molly -- have you ever talked to a gangster?  Many of them will tell you thar what they are doing is what they have ro ro survive.

and BTW they do have livestock in Alaska.  According to NASS stats on Alaska 36% of their 609 farms (2002) are livestock and aquaculture, averaging around 1,479 acres.  Here's some more recent data from 2006 :


Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 04 September 2008 - 12:09

Let Alaska decide what's best for Alaska. I could have done without the nauseating graphic photos (again) first thing in the morning, thank you so much. (Barf) At least it looked like the wolves didn't suffer. Most hunters are pretty sensitive about animal suffering.


Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 04 September 2008 - 12:09

BTW: Thanks for a bunch of nauseating graphics first thing in the morning... AGAIN. I don't let my sable dogs run loose here in PA either. They'd be shot at least as quickly here, if not sooner, with a lot less concern for their suffering, the shooter knowing full well they are NOT wolves.


by radarsmom on 04 September 2008 - 13:09

Shelley, we have coyotes where I live -- although we make every effort to keep our dog on the property, he ALWAYS wears a blaze orange collar, just in case he decides to take off after a deer -- you can get them online from LL Bean and Orvis, I think.  You can get them with your phone number woven into the fabric -----


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