Universal Sieger---Again/ Best Wishes to Karen & Ule - Page 4

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by TessJ10 on 02 October 2008 - 00:10

<<I am sorry that this thread got side-tracked to discussion of another declarant.>>

No you're not.  As soon as I saw this thread I thought it was a set-up to pick on Ronaldo, and sure enough, I was right.  It didn't take you long.  YOU side-tracked your own thread.

You're not fooling anyone.  For some reason you are very bitter and jealous of that dog and his people.  Your weird posts about your "fears" about their actions, and the totally insane implication that those people should be continually clearing all their plans with a freakin' internet msg. board put you in a much more negative light than you hope to shine upon them.

I'm surprised, and very, very sorry, that they seemed to fall for it, though. 

And to Karen and Ule, whoever you are:  Best wishes to you and good luck!





by wanderer on 02 October 2008 - 01:10

Very best wishes to Karen and Ule.  Karen has worked hard for a shot at a championship and she deserves all the luck she can get since she has done an excellent job on the training and a little luck could make a great difference. 


by sunshine on 02 October 2008 - 01:10

U/S title is the most wonderful achievement for a HOT dog.  I also honestly think it is most achievable by a male dog out of workinglines that can V rate.  Why?  Because most of the workingline dogs have committed owners that want to train.  I don't think anyone with any knowledge of training or showing thought that Ronaldo was a true contender for the title.  Why?  Because he was prepared for the show and not working over the years that Ronaldo was imported to the US.  Also the BOND between dog and handler that is required to make the dog the "whole" and be consistent in his work could not be created or established in such a short period of time. 

You cannot expect an animal to be the Super Dog without your doing the training and trialing yourself.  If you expect the dog to do the work, he must do it with the person with whom he has the strongest bond.  And this is an ongoing exercise.  Dedication and love of the dog regardless of outcome. 

I am so happy for Karen and Ule to be in contention for this wonderful title.  What a tremendous feat.  I sure hope that I get to meet this duo one day.


Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 02 October 2008 - 01:10

do you mean finally admitting that NO effort was (or was ever going to be) made to make Universal Sieger anything more than a flat declaration?

NO No NO! You aren't paying attention to what I have been trying to impress upon you.

I'm going to bed.

Randy is notorious as one of the nicest, most polite, generous people in the sport. He is also a good frind of mine. I respect his decision because I understand the wisdom and practicality of it. Please get off his case here. He is honest to a fault, and he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment just for trying to take his fine dog a bit further in the sport as far as titles.




by Mystere on 02 October 2008 - 01:10

Wanderer, We can all be very proud of Karen and Ule, no matter what the outcome!! She has thwe committment and follow-through. I hope the "schutzhund gods" are smiling on them in Wisconsin!

Shelley Strohl

by Shelley Strohl on 02 October 2008 - 01:10

Me too.



by Silbersee on 02 October 2008 - 02:10

The idea of a HOT-team getting the Universal Sieger title is great. I wish both, Karen with Ule and Ravi with Juneau the best of luck. I truly admire that kind of commitment it requires to go through with it. While I have never done it myself, neither do I have any intentions to do so, since my priorities lay elsewhere, I did watch Mike Andrel with Jaeger vom Silbersee, a dog bred by me trying for a couple of years. It always ended at the 270 requirement. So, yes it requires lots of luck and time which some people simply do not have.

With that being said I have to echo Shelley that Randy is one of the nicest and politest people you can ever meet. I am happy to consider him one of our best friends in this (often back stabbing) dog environment. That does not mean that we always see eye to eye or that neither one of the parties has to have the same opinion, but it does mean that we can rely on each other when it counts!!!! Nia, I have told you that before I believe: With friends like you, one needs no more enemies! Why are you so bitter? What have people done to you to make you this way? Please take a good look at yourself. I had vowed not to get into anything with you anymore, but I can not sit by and let you jump on Randy like that! He does not deserve that. You should see all these hours spent by him on the road taking his dogs somewhere. And Ronaldo is a wonderful dog (he just spent a week with us here at our home last month). So please stop these attacks!

by Blitzen on 02 October 2008 - 03:10

The best of luck to Ravi and Juneau too. Ravi's first GSD - what a wonderful accomplishment .


by Pia on 02 October 2008 - 04:10

Best of Luck to our Universal Sieger participants !!!  I will be in TX please say Hi so I can wish u good luck personally !



yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 02 October 2008 - 07:10






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