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by wuzzup on 05 July 2009 - 15:07

Nope i'm just me "wuzzup"dogvoice  I can't help it if other people share my opinion     .Jeanne


by raymond on 05 July 2009 - 15:07

Very well I understand and concur! And I say that those you describe do make a wonderful replacement for day time soap concertos! LOL 


by wuzzup on 05 July 2009 - 16:07

Funny thing their dogvoice I have never seen anita post anything just a blank space  now how on earth would you connect that to kitkat ? .You sure seem to be up on all this for some one who does not frequent the board much . And as for that  GSD pup you bought for your grandkid as an investment , hows it paying off for him . Any training any breeding plans ? Funny from one who claims to be a state rescue person as you claim your self to be  to go buy a dog for profit ? $$$$ .Just the kind of things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!


by Slamdunc on 05 July 2009 - 19:07

Well YR has a point.  Actually, the posts from GSlover123 and Wuzzup are more annoying than the OT political posts everyone got so upset about, myself included.   I have hit the abuse button on all of those posts, which I didn't do on all of the OT political posts.  We can tell them to go elsewhere or just don't respond to the dumb ass, but they will never learn.  I'm hoping they get banned and spare us all their drama.



by raymond on 05 July 2009 - 19:07

I agree Jim!! I find it difficult to comprehend : when we are required to pay more money in taxes whic eliminates funds to use to train or travel to trials and equipment and medical bills for our dogs that those concerns become "political threads"!! When the price of gasoline goes up it seriously hampers my ability to enter or attend conformation shows or trials! When the private trainers utilitty bills go up 25% that cost gets passed on to me in training fees! And since dhl has went out of business as a shipper due to rising fuel costs now those other shippers will be obligated to charge more for those small things one orders from dog traing sites! And all those small back yard breeders who are being driven OUT OF BUSINESS BY HIGHER COSTS IN REGULATIONS AND TAXES! nOW DO YOU THINK THOSE PEOPLE WHO POST ON OTHER POLITICAL BOARDS WILL CARE ONE FREAKIN BIT ABOUT SOME ONE BITCHING BECAUSE THEY ARE CONCERNED FOR THEIR DOGS? THEY WILL TELL YOU TO GO TO SOME DOG BOARD AND COMPLAIN!!When your village passes a law prohibbitting you from having more than one dog unless you are a kennel is a political post I guess? When rising utility costs runs yellowrose out of business I guess that is a political post! Well when they come and shoot your dogs or take them away because your village classifies them as dangerous do not come crying here! Why not shut those vulgar posts down first !


by wuzzup on 05 July 2009 - 20:07

GEEZ Jim I thought we were making progress .I do not see one vulgar word I wrote . Duh I pushed the abuse button on myself . Raymond what is left to say ?

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 05 July 2009 - 20:07

Wuzzup, Anita's posts were deleted as were some of the other more vulgar ones.


by raymond on 05 July 2009 - 20:07

Whats up girl?? I am curious to understand how rising prices and taxes and jobless people has nothing to do with germen shepherd dogs! Sure I have more time to train with my dog when I am unemployed but for Christs sake what will I do when I cannot feed her or provide for medical care or take that trip to a local or regional trial or conformation show ! Heck Germen shepherd dogs are far more expensive to interact with than your average pet! I cherish my dog and all the bs one has to put up with from gsd people makes me wonder is it all really worth it? No we are scolded in talking about current events which affect our pocket book and dogs yet lets all honor and exalt ole Micheal Jackson and damned if you kick about that! I think the people need to have the skin saver around their neck and the leash in the dogs paw!


by Slamdunc on 05 July 2009 - 20:07

Raymond, do you even train your dog anymore?  I know you had quit the schitzhund club you were going to.  Did you find another club or venue to train your dog in?  We are all affected by the current economy, but I come here to get away from the economic news and talk about dogs not politics.  It's like a little mental vacation for me.

I'd rather you didn't take every chance you get to go back to the economy or politics.  There are some like YR, that have a lot of experience with dogs and breeding and can add something to almost any post on topic or OT.  Then there are those that only add to OT posts and contribute little or nothing to the dog topics.   Please don't be like that.  I know you love your dog, so let's hear a little more about your GSD.

Just a thought,



by wuzzup on 05 July 2009 - 21:07

Well I missed that anita stuff I guess I am sure it had to do with you know who and I would guess the cowboy . And only one person have I ever been the least bit vulgar to  and we all know who that is.I may have had some arguments and difference of opinions with some  . but not vulgar . And if he wouldn't wait for me to be sitting here minding my own business typing and jump me with his yap I should be just fine . I was not attacking anyone  just chatting with maggie when he jumped in . He turns the threads around not me .Lest we not forget he has a posse who care nothing about the dog or dogs he has said he unleashes on us at will . Now all post from us and about us are copied and saved  before they are deleted so if I see where I have been vulgar to anyone I will come back and apologize to that person . Unfortunately I did not see the stuff that happened the night of the fourth so I have not saved that . As I said I hit the abuse button on myself several times I do not know why they are still up . I will not go back and delete them . though I do regret playing 123s game I fell into it .I  am working on ignoring him .I have been doing good I just HAD A TEMPORARY RELAPSE. 

RAYMOND ,we may need to feed our dogs cheaper dog food they will live through the economic crisis on it . Buy good quality dog items collars leashes and the like now.They should hold up till things get better or we all end up dead then it won't matter anyways .Dog training as a sport can be put on hold, do what you can at home with some friends . Go to the feed store and stock up on items like tetracycline penicillin dog wormer's hypodermic needles . In a pinch you will be surprised what you can take care of with just a few good stocked items . Sometimes we dint need the vet for every little thing we can treat at home for less . Get some books there are a few good ones out there that tell you the dosage and when why and how .You may need some of that feed store antibiotics for your self if things get bad . I call it plan B . I liked Michael Jackson and I feel bad for him and his family .


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