OT The new "black" is "socialism" - Page 12

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by MaggieMae on 04 August 2009 - 16:08

hmmmmmmmmmm  -- Socialism ?????    Naw...................



by sueincc on 04 August 2009 - 16:08

SitasMom:  For what it's worth, I don't think you are a racist, I think you probably take people as they come regardless of their ethnicity, lifestyle, religion.  The problem as I see it is when someone spews as much hate and venom towards a particular segment of our population, whether it be blacks, muslims, gays, it is wrong to allow it to go unchallenged and unchecked because to someone as ignorant as he, tolerating is the same as condoning. 

by SitasMom on 04 August 2009 - 16:08

This black man didn't figure it out on his own and after two years of total frustration and building hate........I gave him a hand.....no he didn't like it at first........but once he opened his eyes he realized he had been blind........ actually he dressed a lot like "disco Dave in African print", sometimes with beads, sometimes with a cap......Now he wares dockers and oxford shirts to work, just as I do AND as soon as he goes home he changes into what he prefers to wear in just like I do......

I have council ed a biker friend the exact same thing - he was white.....he also didn't talk to me for months......I'm now his child's Godmother....... what is it called when you help out a "biker" a "bike-ist." ??

Oh and wait, I also council ed an big boobed young woman.....she dressed like Loni Anderson on WKRP Cincinnati and was not taken seriously.....She really hated me and never did change.......and has not kept up with the rest of us in or careers or our wages....so what does that make me a.... a "woman-ist"? 

I explained to an Asian friend that she needs to stop laughing when she gets upset because white people don't understand the difference in culture......She is now a up and coming engineer.......very well respected......

I prefer to call myself a person who would put a friendship on the line in order to say and do what needs to be done to truly help my friends.......there is nothing condescending about that........

When I was a child we lived in Hawaii, I had many multi-cultural friends.......Japanese, Mongolians, Samoans....even a few White kids, in our school white kids were definitely the minority. Anyway at about 12 years old, there was a shift. My best friend all of a sudden and for no reason started to be mean to me and to reticule me for being a holey (sp) slang for white. I thought it was something I did and tried even harder to be nice......eventually I realized it wasn't me it was racism......it really hurts and even though she and I eventually made up and became friends again....it was never the same...... Because of this lesson learned so early in life I judge people by who they are and not what the are..........

Somewhere up in the thread, someone called me a racist......which is total bullshit!

Raymond is usually very long winded with many fragmented sentences,  i tend to skip over his stuff.............having such difficulty reading (dyslexia). Typically if he is over the top within 2 or 3 sentences I go to the next.....

I did read something about a necktie party. WTF?? This is an example of a post that I truncated......


by sueincc on 04 August 2009 - 17:08

WTF is exactly right!!!  I get it SitasMom, I imagine reading that kind of racist trash is as horrifing to you as it is to me.   I don't blame you for ignoring him, I do too, or at least I don't react to much of what he writes, and believe me, even without dyslexia, it's hard as hell to muddle through his nonsense.  I just wish people wouldn't let him get away with the racist bullshit, and I believe in your last post you basically said how you feel about it, and I really appreciate that.  Thank you.


by RatPackKing on 04 August 2009 - 17:08


Step up to the plate .....make a difference

OT The new
by trace755 on 04 August 2009 - 13:08


Posts: 156
Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 07:25 pm
Sita's mom just how did George the retard get into Yale and Harvard business school. Could it have been Affirmative action for the rich and privileged. It damn sure wasn't his keene intellect now was it.


by trace755 on 04 August 2009 - 17:08

 Ratpackking, How does describing someone as a retard equate to advocating hanging the first black President?

Maybe I should have  asked Sitasmom  Do you think a man with the limited IQ of George Bush deserved to get into Yale and Harvard Business School. His admission was based solely on who his family name and not the content of his character or brain. Is it only okay to let ignorant white guys from rich families in on affirmative action programs.


by sueincc on 04 August 2009 - 18:08

I responded to your question the first time you posed it.  Scroll back up to my post @ 2:08.  Before you get too high and mighty for me, RPK, I have not forgotten some of the choice names you have reseved for the Dems.  Those type of remarks don't  bother me because those type of remarks made by you, me, SitasMom, Trace and others in no way shape or form   rise to the level of hate that Raymonds remarks do, and frankly that you would suggest such a thing is truly bizarre.  


by RatPackKing on 04 August 2009 - 18:08


How did Obama get in to havard with a high school GPA  so low?

Parents with mentally challenge children take great offense at the name "retard"

Show a little compassion,



by RatPackKing on 04 August 2009 - 18:08


It would have had a greater impact if you would of addressed trace755 specifically.



by RatPackKing on 04 August 2009 - 18:08

Who said the following?

"The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money".



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