Vegas du Haut Mansard takes it away again, Sieger Ulm 2009 - Page 1

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by Jantie on 30 August 2009 - 09:08

Hello sportsfriends!

There is no doubt in my mind that Vegas will take it away again today! (Unless Judge Meyer was threathened in any way.)

Although National Breed Warden Reinhardt Meyer yesterday night (at his speech) took his mouth full of the changes he apparently is bringing to the breed when it concerns the size/height, the extreme angulations and the loose joints, he will crown Vegas again today! An example of Inconsistency of goals like I have never seen before.

Meyer so to speak even "apologised" publicly in advance for doing so (against all of his convictions about all what he wants to change), by making people believe that the SV is like a huge oiltanker, it turns only very slowly. What a load of crap!

From what I hear, the only postive news we can bring the GSD-fans in the whole world, is the appearance of Javir von Talka Marda, who showed up with an impressing group of progeny! Completely in contrast with the trash and the loose joints of Vegas progeny. How in the world can you award this dog Vegas the title Best Of Breed = Sieger, fully aware of his shortcomings?!

Seems like the Schutzdienst was a real shame. From what I hear almost 60 dogs failed one after the other.

And apparently there were no progeny groups from such legendary dogs like:
Pakros d’ Ulmental!!
Ilbo vom Holtkämper See!
Idol vom Holtkämper Hof!
Naxos vom Holtämper See (remember he was banned from breeding because of proven infertility!)
Quantum vom Fiemereck! The promessing youngster!
Bruno vom 400Hertz
Sirio della Real Favorita
Jumbo di Zenevredo
(Don't shoot me if one or the other is not correct; I can only bring what my friends tell me.)

To be continued...


by ATARTHS on 30 August 2009 - 10:08

Hey Jantie , have you ever seen Vegas up close and personal? Have you ever gone into the trouble of studying his progeny?
Have you seen Pakros's progeny in as far as hind angulations are concerned? I think to say the least you are confused and havent a clue about show-lines. I suggest you refrain rom posting here about Vegas just to save yourself from ridicule !!!!!

by sbstein on 30 August 2009 - 11:08

Are these dogs from your list legendary ??? You have to know the facts better !! This is nothing else than bullshit. Of course its great that a Working line male finally can show a class also.  BUT:

The only dogs that deserves too be called legendary is dogs like: Horand Grafath (the first), Uran v Wildsteiger Land (the best GSD 1900-2000), several dogs frome th Q-litters Arminius and wienerau, Jeck v Noricum, Zamb vd Wienerau, Ulk v Arlett and Zamp v Thermodos. These are historical dogs with big influence and importans for the breed. Also I want to include Santo v Haus Ziegelmeyer (Kommisar Rex) for his programs that has been the best ad for the German Shepherd Dogs for many many years (not a breeding male).

by Jantie on 30 August 2009 - 12:08

@ATARTHS: That doesn't impress me much. You could just as well have written that you think Paris Hilton is the most intelligent woman of the new century, and I would not contest that. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect your judgement. If YOU study his progeny, forget the very few individuals and look at the whole lot. You know that Ausleser get up to 1.500 pups, don't you, we do not want to stop at a couple of youngsters showing up for the Sieger Show, do we?

@sbstein: I'm sorry, you missed my IRONY, I should have mentioned it in brackets. With this "legendary", I of course meant the couple of big shots who took away the awards in the last couple of Sieger Shows. There is of course nothing legendary about Pakros, Ilbo or any other of the guys mentioned. Thought you knew me or my studies better. Sorry!

No hard feelings!


by Sunsilver on 30 August 2009 - 13:08

Well, Jantie, you could be right. I saw it announced on another thread that a Vegas daughter, Bella v Kuckucksland  took Siegerin!

And here's the youth sieger...this is change??  UGH!  He's got a broken topline...not my cup of tea at all!

by AnjaBlue on 30 August 2009 - 13:08

Unfortunately Jantie you are whistling in the wind here trying to convince the BSZS fans that their winners aren't worthy.Not to say there aren't good dogs entered, they just don't seem to win....... I myself was very pleased to see Javir entered, he is a very handsome dog with excellent conformation (to my eyes anyway, but that's what I like.) I bet his Schutzdienst was the best out there too ..........personally I'd like to see the Siegerschau become a Universal Sieger style competition - some of the working lines could have better conformation, and  the showlines need to to be judged at the same level as the BSP when it comes to protection. (If they were you would see a LOT more failures, more "vorhanden" and far fewer "ausgepragt".)

The BSZS is about politics and money - that should be no surprise to anyone.


by ATARTHS on 30 August 2009 - 15:08

Well said sbstein,
                                 I am afraid this will end up a Showline Vs working line tag of war again and I dont want to get involved.

by ceddyg on 30 August 2009 - 15:08

This is a ver interesting topic i must admit.I am a lover of both sides of the table. I train and work some of the very best dogs in the states if not in the world every week. I also own and handle my own show dogs. I myself have been leaning more to the working side simple because my desire to now compete at a higher level in schutzhund.  That all being said. I find it very funny that the one working dog that you mentioned is in my opinion the worst one for the breed. Jantie have you taken anytime to research Javir or his progeny? Talk to any of the breeders and people that train with him? I have spoken to several trainers and judges and people that get world wide accolades for the work in the sport. They all told me the positive and negative about this male. After my research i personally would very very very cautious when getting anything from him. We will talk about just 2 issues since this is the seiger show and each dog should be showcases in my opinion 2 things. Production of structure and temperament. It a known fact that elbows are a issue of concern when breeding to this dog as well as the nerves he produces on the pups. He thows pups with lots of drives but useless nervy drive. The kind that doesn't make much for good family pets or can function in normal none sport life. also loose ligaments and bad elbows all fall under caution for breeding in my mind. My point is the dogs that should be placed up there working or show simply aren't being promoted to the top. That is just my perspective and views as well.


by JudyK on 30 August 2009 - 16:08

Jantie, you were correct.  The placings as of a few minutes ago:

GHKL Rüden
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr und live aus dem Stadion
Bew. Kat-Nr. Name Hund
VA01 1275 *Vegas du Haut Mansard
VA02 1086 *Yerom vom Haus Salihin
VA03 1023 *Yukon von der Bastillie
VA04 1175 *Kwantum vom Klostermoor
VA05 1033 *Ober von Bad-Boll
VA06 1001 *Shicco von der Freiheit Westerholt
VA07 1223 *Remo vom Fichtenschlag
VA08 1030 *Bojan vom Pendler
VA09 1113 *Paul vom Bierstadter Hof
V01 1184 *Ustinov vom Römerland
V02 1273 *Arex von der Wilhelmswarte
V03 1004 *Paer vom Hasenborn
V04 1256 *Clinten vom Holtkämper See
V05 1136 *Gigolo von der Bärenschlucht
V06 1134 *Dux de Intercanina
V07 1158 *Fanto vom Renderau
V08 1116 *Digger vom Elzmündungsraum
V09 1166 *Igor von der Rommelsbach
V10 1162 *Panjo vom Kirschental

by joseph123 on 30 August 2009 - 16:08

Does anyone know what happened with Ingodd's Agassi?....I thought he was entered but did not place? I assume he also did not complete the show?




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