Another Breeder/Importers Dog coming into Rescue - Page 4

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by RLHAR on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

Hodie, I really am sorry that you and Steph have become so jaded about people and the dog world due to trying to do the right thing.  It's hard when burnout hits so hard and I'm glad that you've stepped back to take care of you and rediscover your enjoyment of dogs and the breed. 

Everybody needs to step back now and again or perspective gets lost.  Personally I feel Steph has hit the point where she is doing herself more harm than good and that's not a good thing for anyone involved in the equation.

Don't worry about my dog.  We are currently vetting upwards to 3 different homes that are interested in him but as I've said, I'm being extremely strict on where he goes because that is my responsibility to him.

by hodie on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 31 December 2009 - 17:12


I would if I could Keith, that would go a long way in improving that particular breed would it not?

But sadly we are the only species that allows its sick and damaged to reproduce.

Humans need a predator, a little competition for the species.

I would take an animal back, just to make sure it did not suffer from humanity.



by Mystere on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

Steph and Hodie,

You perform a remarkable service and have done so for many years.  It is TIME for BOTH of you to take care of yourselves and give up the rescue work.  Now, especially, is simply not the time.


DO NOT feel that your efforts to educate breeders and owners has been "worthless."  You undoubtedly did get through to a few, and that alone may have saved dozens or even hundreds of dogs ugly fates.   Take pride in having made  a difference for even a few dogs.

The dog may be linebred on Rikkor and therefore might be desirable to "someone."  BUT....(caps intentional) he is NEUTERED.  So, those most likely to want a dog with his pedigree have no use for him.   It is all about money and he can make them not a dime.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

I should add this,
there are animals out there who have value, animals who are worthy, animals who should be saved.
But the rest would be better off humanely put down.
There are too many that suffer more than just once.
I don't care for that at all.
Deciding which ones and who gets them is a great responsibility and comes with liability.
Nothings ever easy is it.

I see much suffering in the world and its not just the animals we are speaking of, things should be different but they are not.

That's just the way it is.



by RLHAR on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

No longer related

by 1doggie2 on 31 December 2009 - 17:12

I use to relish the thought of buying a puppy or older dog, was so exciting and fun. Now that I know better, it terrifies me........................................... Like RLHAR, I do not have the option to just make them a kennel dog. I am not out buying "fluffy" that is 20 lbs. I have a purpose/reason/job dog. I have one at home now that I would never in my wildest dreams brought home, but she is mine and I love her and she will be here until she packs her doggie cookies and moves to rainbow bridge. I have also had one in the past, I had no business keeping and he should have been re homed, just to stupid to know/understand/to stubborn at the time (youth, what does not kill you, will make you stronger).


by DebiSue on 31 December 2009 - 19:12


"Sometimes it's not anyone's fault."

Sorry, but someone is always at fault and your previous comment says it all.

"Jennie is right that the clues were there when I got him at 18 months but I wanted to give him a chance. Unfortunately my household with small kid and cats isn't a good match for him as he matures and visa versa."

I have to lay this one right at your own feet.  Give him a chance to do what?  Maim your child, kill your cats?  You are just another example of what Steph & Hodie and others have been dealing with for years.  Too many people take on a dog for various reasons but too often they are not using their heads when taking this action.  Why in the world did they sell you a dog like this knowing you had a child and cats?  Did you even share this info with the breeder?  A responsible seller would have turned you away knowing this would never work EVEN IF the seller thought you could handle the dog...the environment was all wrong.

People don't want to be educated.  Sadly, too many are over confident in their own ability to accept as fact what others are trying to tell them.  Hey, I have been guilty of this myself.  Everyone thinks they know more about what they can or can't do and what they do or don't need.  It is rare for someone to own up to their own limitations so it is up to the breeders to weed out these types and sell only to those that have the right environment and are capable of handling what they are buying.  Everyone makes mistakes, but good, responsible breeders know when to step up and take back misplaced animals.  Unfortunately too many just wash their hands of it and focus on the $$$. 

The only ones not at fault are the dogs.  If people like Hodie, Steph and other rescues didn't do what they do many dogs would end up dead because ignorant people think a dog is disposable.  Where is the commitment?  If you cannot commit yourself to taking care of a dog for its entire life, good & bad then you don't need the dog.  Don't be doing them any favors out of the goodness of your heart if you are incapable of following through.

I'm glad you are taking steps to properly rehome this dog but please don't try to tell me no one is at fault.  I just wish others would own up and put up.


Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 31 December 2009 - 19:12

Thanks Hodie, and Sueincc;   couldn't have written it better myself...

Lots of these people don't understand how much time we put into trying to train owners that have bought from breeders and how we try to get the owner to work with the dog and TRAIN it...My desktop monitor went caputz last night, so I had to dig out my very old laptop that doesn;t work too well either..

Yes, I now have pneumonia with everything else, thank God 3 dogs are getting adopted by Monday...

Ask yourself RLHAR; if someone called you knowing you owned GSD's and said "I have this GSD, and she is jumping on me, (mind you this is an 8 month old puppy), and I don't like that, so if you don't take her I am bringing her to the Humane Society or going to put her to sleep...WHAT WOULD YOU DO????

These people had this dog for 6 months and expected her to know everything without training...well duh....that happened too me not long ago, so I took this dog in from out of state, and thankfully placed her with a knowledgable GSD owner...while I had her here, she learned in 5 minutes not to jump on do you train ignorant people, I would much rather train the dog. They are easier to work with...

I won't even bother to answer any more on this, I just want to let people know which breeders/importers are not working with the people they sell too, so you are forwarned about purchasing from them, you won't get any follow up help..and to try to get this dog placed with a knowledgeable owner....

Unlike us rescue groups that help anyone, when they ask, it training or whatever, as Hodie has said...


by Mystere on 31 December 2009 - 19:12

Quote rfrom Steph:
"I just want to let people know which breeders/importers are not working with the people they sell too, so you are forwarned about purchasing from them, you won't get any follow up help..and to try to get this dog placed with a knowledgeable owner...."

Kudos to you for that, Steph!

I just want to say that I spoke with Steph by phone a couple of days ago and, quite frankly, the woman sounded HORRIBLE! I am not surprised to read that she now has pneumonia at all.   After a horrible accident with serious injuries, surgeries, and now this pneumonia, this woman is still busting her ass to help SAVE DOGS!   Please remember Montana GSD Rescue, when you are doing your last-minute donations for tax purposes...or, just because.

Similarly, Hodie has been overextended financially and also plagued with her own health issues, all the while fighting the good fight to SAVE DOGS!   She could use your support, too.

OR... please donate to a local rescue organization.   

Start off the 2010 Tax Year right--make a charitable donation to a rescue organization and mail if off January 2.  


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