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Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 16 April 2010 - 19:04

"No, Keith, the "valid point" I refer to was that maybe Diane is guilty of all you alleged- maybe. Maybe not. If so, then essentially you did her a big favor by citing a bunch of morons as evidence against her. That's all."

Good point but I very much doubt that so many people would all recollect postings of hers on other forums (some examples were even saved and quoted) with the degree of consistency I saw in that thread.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 16 April 2010 - 19:04

Point taken, Abhay, but I have had a variety of GSD's on my property simultaneously, some of them my own, some rescues, and even a couple of young labs who I had to drug to capture along side a highway in Ohio because they were feral and I have, thus far (knock on wood), managed to avoid any serious incidents.  Understandably, I have probably been fortunate and pits are not GSD's but I would hope that such a situation should still be manageable under most circumstances.


by Jenni78 on 16 April 2010 - 20:04

 pits are not GSD's but I would hope that such a situation should still be manageable under most circumstances.

It's good to hope (after all, hope is a form of happiness in itself, LOL) but hope won't help you in that kind of circumstance, with those kind of dogs. I keep several doors between my Pits and my GSDs at all times. For example, if Caleb is outside loose, then Simon is not loose in the house. He is in a crate or a bedroom, laundry room, etc., so that even if he escapes there, I still have a safety margin of one or more doors. Same thing if Caleb gets in the house, which he does on occasion by opening the front door if I leave it unlocked. These are things most people don't think about. Most people don't have dogs who will escape on purpose just to break INTO another dog's kennel to kill them. Something to think about. It's a whole 'nother ballgame w/dogs who think like that. How many people would worry about that??? Yet you have to, to keep these dogs. And they are well worth the extra work!!! I'm not complaining- I'm just pointing out that different measures are considered responsible among different temperaments.

I will ask everyone a rhetorical question. How many of you who own more than one dog have ever had a dog get loose from where you left it? Not asking what happened, where...just IF it's ever happened. Now, consider if you had different dogs- game dogs, let's say. THAT is how easily it can happen and why you need so many safety measures in place. Abhay has oodles more experience than I do, and he doesn't leave the house. I actually sold one dog and sent 3 out of state when I was in the hospital simply because I knew that their safety could not be guaranteed with anyone managing them besides me. I am diligent in my safety measures, and they respect me. No one who doesn't live this 24/7 knows what it's like to continually be aware of what's behind every door and the potential for bloodshed and death if you make even one innocent mistake, plus they don't have any respect for anyone else, and pull crap w/others that they would never dare pull w/me around. 

I'm not saying Keith isn't right- just that in this case, knowing the dogs she has and the very high potential for a tiny mistake to turn lethal faster than you can say "bat shit", I don't see where she is the same or lower than a sick woman who kept and continues to keep dogs in a living hell for her own psychotic purposes. JMO

by Abhay on 16 April 2010 - 20:04

Keith, all I can tell you, is a yard of Pits is a much different experience, than a yard of GSD's. 

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 16 April 2010 - 20:04

Now let me ask you a rhetorical question, Jen.  How many dog fights have resulted in a dead dog at your house?


by Jenni78 on 16 April 2010 - 20:04

 Zero. Not that I'd post it on the board if I had any, though. ;-)

I'm a Nazi, Keith. I go  far above and beyond what most people consider "safe enough". BUT- I only have 7 dogs total. And only about 4 of mine are a real danger if I screw up. Multiply it to get to the number we're comparing to, and that's where my point comes in. If she had 7 and 3 deaths (alleged) then, YEAH- there's a problem. I just don't know the story and won't judge based on what a bunch of ignoramuses say did or didn't happen. I don't keep enough Pits at once (usually only one or two now) and I keep opposite sex pairs. I'm mellowing in my old age, and now that I have a baby, I figured the fewer super nasty dogs the better, as soon, he will be opening doors on his own and I will have to be even MORE careful. 

I keep the dogs who will fight to the death away from each other- because I am able, because I have a small number and a big house, and excellent control. I don't do rescue anymore. When I did, there were dogs I wouldn't handle w/out help just in case one got away from me b/c your average Pit is stronger on its weakest day than I am on my strongest.


by MaggieMae on 16 April 2010 - 21:04

Jenni stated --

Most people don't have dogs who will escape on purpose just to break INTO another dog's kennel to kill them. Something to think about. It's a whole 'nother ballgame w/dogs who think like that.

No one who doesn't live this 24/7 knows what it's like to continually be aware of what's behind every door and the potential for bloodshed and death if you make even one innocent mistake,


I'm still confused as to WHY anyone would want to own one of those dogs ???     I would hate to have to live like that.

by michael49 on 16 April 2010 - 21:04

Not being an experienced pit owner, I would like to know why anyone would own a pack of dogs,in this case obviously not a pack that were happy as such, that plotted,planned,and waited for the opportunity to escape their confinement and attack and kill each other. I'm not putting down the breed, I've seen some very pretty pits, but why would you want to own more then one game pit that was intent on killing one another. I personally can't see any joy in owning the dogs if I had to monitor them every moment every day. I certainly wouldn't want to own one if I had to crate another dog so one of the others could run loose for a while. Again, I'm not cutting down the breed or anyone who owns them, just trying to understand why anyone would think this is enjoyable,I'm of the understanding that owning a dog should be a pleasureable experience for both the dog and owner, not a burden or danger for either.                                                 Michael


by MaggieMae on 16 April 2010 - 21:04

Michael - I agree 100%  and have the same questions as you.


by Jenni78 on 16 April 2010 - 21:04

 Maggie, you skipped the part where I stated they were well worth it! You too, Michael! I have no pack. I have individual social animals I keep separately. Like Abhay, I have a couple who can run together- ironically, Pits here as well. I have no other dogs of other breeds who can be w/all others- certain ones, yes, but not all. 

I don't remember asking for opinions or if anyone would like to have my dogs. I simply stated that this is how it is and this is how you have to do it! I don't question why anyone would want a coyote/collie-faced hockwalker who would run away from a paper bag, do I? To each his own!

And ROFLMFAO- you assumed it was a Pit who wanted to climb in a kennel to kill another dog! I see no point in debating this further with such closed and presumptuous minds. And I don't mean that in a nasty sense- just a brutally honest sense. We all have different likes and dislikes, and if that's your mindset, nothing I say will change it, and I don't wish to. Live and let live if someone's not hurting anyone. 

I will say this- it's nice among all the pussification (a word I copyrighted many years ago and still one of my favorite guilty pleasures to say) to have something that still has some BRAINS AND BALLS. To put it very rudely and crudely. LOL.   Maybe I'm making up for some sort of insecurity, though no one has ever accused me of being insecure! LOL. 

LIVE AND LET LIVE, people. This DDR-BSC thing should've taught us that, if nothing else. If no one, person or animal, is being mistreated, then all is well. 


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