Oli and Mods a TOS and other suggestion - Page 10

Pedigree Database

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by 4pack on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

"Maybe I'm missing something here....... Where has it ever been said the pedigree's here are certified? This is an open database, not a registration service that certifies pedigrees and information about the dogs. People maliciously changing pedigrees and pictures are scum. People filling in blanks for their own dogs or own dogs ancestry in good faith are what help create many of the pedigrees here."

Exactly. this is a free site and nothing is official. Someone changing peds isn't going to stop the world from turning but it does suck. Who counts on this site alone, for their dogs lineage? Not me! AKC gets paid to deal with that and make sure it is all accurate.

All of the info here was shared and that is the only way for it to be so vast. It is crazy to think Oli can keep track of who owns what dog or even who started the ped to begin with. My breeders have started all of my dogs, I add titles and pictures after the fact. There would be no way, besides signatures, paperwork and fees, to keep the current owner of a dog as the only person who can add info to a pedigree. Dogs change hands all of the time. So unless you want a long process and fees for this site, shut up and enjoy. Frankly I give enough $ to AKC for my dogs. This place is just a nice bonus for research.

by mobjack on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

* takes a small bow and moves back off to non-posting anonymous oblivion *


by nonacona60 on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

Mobjack.....I am only that way to those who give me a reason, when they  address in the same obnoxious abrasive way as you just did.......However, I am going to ignore the rest of your post and  suggestions you made to me, and hope you consider them for yourself........
Since your post to me has NOTHING to do with the topic thread, why don't you PM me (instead of posting here) your opinion of me....I probably won't read it, but at least you wont be possibly violating the TOS....


by Ninja181 on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

Nona Mobjack started this thread. So his/her input on your participation on it sure sounds "on topic" to me.

He kind of said what I was thinking anyway. LMAO


by nonacona60 on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

Nice to see you back Ninja....Perfect timing....

by Modulus Rex on 13 February 2011 - 02:02

Modulus Rex moderator comment: Thank you to those who provided relevant commentary. You have provided several interesting ideas to consider. However, we now seem to be entering the Twilight zone.

Thread locked, and the moderators will NOT be responding to the usual endless PM complaints about others' behavior on this thread.  

by Modulus Rex on 13 February 2011 - 18:02

Modulus Rex moderator comment: After reconsideration, this thread has been re-opened.  Please be civil when disagreeing.  Thank you. 

Dawn G. Bonome

by Dawn G. Bonome on 13 February 2011 - 21:02

Is there any way for the owner of the dogs who post their dogs' information (Pedigree) on here to add a lock feature so the owners ONLY can add to their dog's pedigrees. The dogs owners would/could use a certain password for their use only, then no one else could mess up the pedigree.
Just my suggestion.

Dawn B.


by sueincc on 13 February 2011 - 22:02

On the face of it, it seems like a good idea, but I think beyond the surface, the idea is unworkable.  The problem is many dogs aren't added by their owners, and many owners aren't  even members of PedigreeDataBase.  People have to be able to add dogs that they don't own, especially if they are trying to add their own dogs and there are some ancestors missing on PDB.  many times breeders add their puppies, and then in time also add the titles the  dogs are awarded.  I think the sheer  logistics involved in having  to verify ownership would be nightmarish.  For starters, everyone would  have to provide some sort of documentation proving they were the owners of the dogs, otherwise anyone could claim they owned any dog(s).


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