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by Slamdunc on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

BTW, I like showline dogs and have owned them, titled them and shown them.  I have also owned a White GSD and she was a great dog.  Does that make me a bad person for owning a White GSD and Showline dogs?  Plenty of people knock both types, I take it in stride.  You will never tell me that my White GSD was a lesser dog than my SL or WL dogs. 

My Certified Therapy dog and my HOT V rated SchH 3 KKL1a SL male, trained, handled and shown by me.  I have also handled SL dogs in the Siegar show.  Don't think I don't like SL's, I love all dogs. 


by Ninja181 on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

I used to own a white GSD years ago, could never find him after it snowed out.

by beetree on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

It's not who you are GSD, it is that snarky attitude, (It's not just me, LOL!) you get when we don't fawn all over you because of all the great things you do for.... Oli.... or is it for us.....?  Well, it gets to be a feeling of obnoxiousness, being treated like mushrooms from the benevolent and all knowing, hard-working mystery workers who know whats best for all of us. For the record, I supported you privately, to many posters here, during your "outing" because I actually thought you were doing a good job. Just seems like the job is wearing on you. I did suggest a vacation, remember? LOL

For example your PA edict had that insulting OT forum comment, and that is really ironic since we owe its existance all to you. Makes me not want to post there, for sure. And then you did it again with your "clean butt" comment, like we don't know whose posting you were referring to. The sense of disdain is palpable. Oli trusts you, but well, I do wonder, can I still?

And I know this will be deleted because I am being critical of you, and not in a PM. But if you think I'm going to PM you so I can be insulted again, sorry. Guess I'll end up with three strikes soon enough, and be OUT. 

(I do thank Stray Pixels, though-- for being straight-forward and forthcoming in a recent email to me.)

My 2 worthless cents.


by Slamdunc on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

Here are my White GSD, my SL and a WL all getting along together.  Can't we all just get along? 

Of course the two females didn't get along, but we know how that goes.  It had nothing to do with SL or WL or White lines, it was because they were female.   They SL dog never blamed the others or was prejudice, he understood they were both bitches.  

by Ibrahim on 07 October 2011 - 20:10


I am against the Splitting as I think it will split the work and show further, at least on the PDB and I would love to see the work and show on same threads, I could be wrong and in the end I will just comply with what will be decided especially if it is the majority choice and it turns out to be good for the PDB. I am not against any one on the PDB, though it is not clear to me what is the new forum Slamdunc wants added, if it will bring more contribution from him and other members of real life knowledge/experience I support his suggestion, he said he loves all dogs and I say we all love you Slamdunc, and so GSD does not feel left, I like your dedication to your tasks and appreciate your commitment too.


by beetree on 07 October 2011 - 20:10


Awesome pictures! LOVE IT!

by Blitzen on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

Popcorn, anyone?


by Slamdunc on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

Ibrahim, a working dog forum for dogs that perform a job.  Whether it is Therapy, Search and Rescue, Police K-9, etc.  A place to discuss the working and training of dogs.  I am tired of being discriminated against by the SL people because I have a working dog and want a place to go where Boomer can feel accepted. 



by Shawty on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

Another Fact
What most of you don't know is that GSD mod is much more lenient with you then I or some of the other mods would be. Be thankful that Miss. Shawty is not running the forum. I have sat back on many occasions thinking just how ashamed most of you would be should you know the whole truth about GSD mod and how he handles himself in face of the crap that gets dished out by some members.
The number one thing I have been shocked by since becoming a moderator has been the patient way GSD Mod deals with you all. You see but a very small picture of what really goes on here on the PDB. I bite my tongue because I am a moderator, but take my word fellow members, GSD Mod is not perfect, but has this forums best interest in mind. He very rarely gives any of you what you deserve for all the game playing and unkindness some of you dish out on a constant basis.
I was not born a moderator, but was chosen from among the members and I care about this forum and the people who represent it. I can honestly say that GSD Moderator and the other mods work long and hard, day and night with little thanks from most.
Thanks to those members who have made a point to support our efforts. It is not easy and we are not perfect, but we try hard.
GSD Mod might even be against me posting my comment, but I got to say, what I got to say because I have my own mind.

With all due respect,

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 07 October 2011 - 20:10

No, the issue is personal attacks by some members on others and our stand to stop them, that is the issue. We banned a few professional personal attack artists and the attacks continued with even more jumping in. We have successfully stopped it at this point and if certain members would just let it go and worry about commenting on content and issues the forum would be well on its way to what it is intended, which is not a place for attacks on people who 1. don't get it or 2. don't want to get it. We do a great injustice to the breed when we attack new people or people who do not get it and no matter how hard we attack, they don't get it. Is it better to teach or destroy? And for what it is worth I am not talking about you, you have been one of the bright lights in helping people to learn and learn properly. 2 of the mods you have helped tremendously over the years and without members like you teaching the people of this forum. I really am not sure what help they would receive.

Oli is not the type of person to be hard. It can be exasperating dealing with the many personalities that make up this forum and for a man who is very busy it is hard and trying. He doesn't know when one complains-is this person being truthful so it was easier to just let it go. Hell it takes 5 mods a lot of time to try and read it all plus deal with the banned people and people who want to harm this site and steal it's members information. Plenty goes on in the background that never makes it to gossip or is even known by the members.

Oli's words he just emailed me 2 days ago.

"I really like the stand on no personal attacks. Too hard to track who has the right and who not."


I love you. I am only trying to do the right things by both Oli and the members and maybe my style is not the best for dealing with hundreds of very different personalities. Over look the style and you see a person who deeply cares about people and animals. Always have and always will. I can't help it I was chosen and I can't help it I was able to last through all the turmoil. Maybe it is the small town in me or maybe it was my life experiences. People see me as my former identity and that is about as far away from my real self as I have ever been. I played that part because it was a cause and in a sense that cause was a right and just cause. I did what I said I was going to do, it might have not been right or pretty, but the cause was right. No more having to listen to the Jew bashing and the racist BS. This is a dog forum and we have returned it to that very thing. A special place to talk dogs surrounded by 1,000,000s of pedigrees and now to hopefully move on and put things to rest.  If I seem snarky I apologize, I also apologize if you felt insulted, again not what is meant and I think you know that. I will let your comments stand, not sure about the other mods, but for me if that is the way you feel I can accept it. I have apologized and I move on.


I know the way you feel and I respect your views and you tremendously but at this point we have more members asking for this than we have asking to undo it. And at this point I do not think it fair to take back the conformation forum, just like it would be unfair of me to take down OT. I might consider dumping the sport/work forum, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.


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