IAMS Dogfoods - PLEASE STAY AWAY!!!! - Page 7

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by DDR-DSH on 01 November 2006 - 22:11

Your heart can break over this.. http://www.petakillsanimals.com/petaVictims.cfm PeTA seems to think that a "final solution" for pets is a good thing. And if they can't handle having their nose rubbed in their own dirt, they are the ones who need to stay hidden under a rock. As soon as they start trying to control the dialogue again, they need to be brought right back to their own issues, for the world to see. Thank God for ConsumerFreedom!!! They are outing these animal Kevorkians.


by 4pack on 01 November 2006 - 22:11

LOL hackles up, no way to talk about a cause without it happening I guess. Needless to say the talk has gone from the poor suffering dogs, to politics. I don't give a rats a$$ who is killing and torturing these animals, I only wish to see it stop. I'm sure some of the animals PETA comes accross are a little too far gone for vet care and to live in a human homes after all they have been through. Euthenasia is probably best in those cases. I'm no activist, by any means but why are so many of you not sickened by this stuff? Are we that desensitized, they are only dumb animals after all right??? Are you affraid to use your voice? I'm a REAL dog person and I can't believe you just wrote what you did DDR-DSH. Cults, gangs, illusions? I'm seeing dogs being cut up, It doesn't look fake to me. I'm also not affraid to speak my mind on the matter. You seem a little hurt by the Tax Exempt staus, do you not have your own aggenda? Everything all comes back to $. AS many times as you posted the same thread about PETA you sound a bit extreme!


by DesertRangers on 02 November 2006 - 00:11

I love animals as much as anyone and hate to see any abuse of them. Peta crosses the line with me and have no credability. I love my steaks too. Not to be political but these same people who cry over a worm getting stepped on are the same people who have no problem killing a unborn human baby? Not to start a fuss but killing is killing.

by GSDLVR on 02 November 2006 - 00:11

Geez - I have headache. This is my last response on this topic because it's blown WAY out of proportion. 4pack - What you said - I totally agree - "I don't give a rats a$$ who is killing and torturing these animals, I only wish to see it stop." Iams - If they have stopped being cruel to animals, great. I am still not buying the dogfood - it's crap. Humane Society - I have friends that work there and we help each other find homes for dogs whenever I find strays in the neighborhood or puppies on the side of the road (which is a lot) and would rather help them find a home than bring them to a shelter because of the irresponsible breedings across the nation (and we know what the inevitable is for most pets that go there). But there are a LOT of wonderful people that really care at the Humane Societies...they just can't keep them/feed them all forever and I understand that ...but it is sad.You do what you can do. spook101 - you are being mean-spirited and rude and it's obvious you like to pick fights. You attacked me - go back and read your first posting. This was a heartfelt posting and you defiled it. But it's a free country - say whatever you want - I really don't care what you think and you don't have to care what I think - I'm sure as heck still gonna sleep at night. As for everything else on here, everyone is entitled to their opinions, I just thought they might want to know what I heard and make an educated decision.


by DesertRangers on 02 November 2006 - 00:11

GSDLVR I understand and appreciate your position. The hardest part for me is that these activist can be so dis-honest and once they loose their creditability with me,I don't trust them on anything. If IAMS was abusing the dogs I hope they have stopped.

by EchoMeadows on 02 November 2006 - 00:11

DDR, Then go adopt them "ALL" !!! and I mean ALL of them and go do it RIGHT NOW !!! Shut up on here about these animals being adoptable you don't know what the hell your talking about !!! by the way while your at it, come here and adopt all the animals we have here including the one I've had since March of this spring, and the several since July, and the few from August, I DARE YOU !!!!!!!!! Don't spew your "these animals were adoptable animals and they killed them" Bull shit AT ME, I'll call you on it, Now most here know I'm usually not a bitch But you don't know your as* from a hole in the ground on this one buddy, I DO I SEE IT EVERY STINKING DAY, AND DO WHAT I CAN AS AS GSDLVR SAYS. From what I can tell DDR the only thing you are doing is crying "save them all they can all be saved" That's BC And let me add, NOONE HATES IT MORE TO HAVE TO PUT DOWN AN ANIMAL MORE THAN THE EUTH TECH DOES. NOONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HATE IT MORE THAN WE DO. You pick up that needle and do what needs to be done day after day year after year, then come at me with your crap !!! I've had enough. Get going DDR go save them all, go adopt them give them all love and attention and feed, and vet care, Get going HURRY !!!!! For everyone else, Good posts even the disagreements I beleive if we all did not have different view on issues this world would be very boring, I will appologize if I have offended anyone but will justify it with I HATE THAT PART OF MY JOB, But will do it when it's the "right" thing to do for the animal. and PS, my paycheck every month for all the work I do, take home pay, is a touch over 600.00 per month. So NO it's not about money, I love these animals and try to bring love and compashion to they're lives until they are adopted or put out of they're misserey, I RESPECT THEM !!!! I hope none of you think less of me for the above paragraphs. But enough is enough and this guy/gal has obviously NEVER had to make the tough choices that have to made daily by shelter workers all over the world.


by DesertRangers on 02 November 2006 - 01:11

Well said Echo and I agree with you 100%. That's why I have never breed my 8 year old female even though she is the best GSD I have ever had. Don't want to worry about making the problem worse by having alot of puppies just so I can keep one. Plenty of excellent dogs to pick from when I get ready for another.

by spook101 on 02 November 2006 - 01:11

gsdlvr, I agree with you, it is a free country. You have the right to take a 2 year old story that has a PETA spin to it and sensationalize it. I have the right to question your motives. I really didn't mean to DEFILE you just question your motives. I'll have a box of tissues for you at the Nationals.

by flipfinish on 02 November 2006 - 01:11

Spook, I dont think they let your kind in at a world class event such as the Nationals.


by 4pack on 02 November 2006 - 01:11

Geez, you could almost swear it's wrong to have a heart.


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