How A6 ausland compares with ofa?? - Page 1

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by CMills on 08 November 2012 - 21:11

Hi, can anyone tell me what and A6, ausland rating compares to the OFA s rating? thanks in advance!


by LOVE THY SHEPHERD on 08 November 2012 - 22:11

I was told it's not just a rating, but out of the Country or something along those lines.
It sounds to me like very very bad hips but I might be wrong.
I would really like to know as well.

GSD Lineage

by GSD Lineage on 08 November 2012 - 22:11

@Love Thy Shepherd

YES A6 is just (not SZ/ Germany) You must find the entity that did that animals hips to get the exact rating.


by CMills on 09 November 2012 - 01:11

Thanks to both of you, I actually did a google search on it and it came up as meaning the dog has passing hips, but wasn't xrayed in Germany but elsewhere.

by hexe on 09 November 2012 - 01:11

As has been said, the 'ausland' part of the term refers to a recognized hip certification that was done somewhere other than by the SV. The "A6" hasn't any negative connotation--it simply means the dog received a passing grade from the other country's recognized orthopedic certification organization.  It's similar to seeing "a-zuerkannt" in some pedigrees, instead of the specific rating.


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