FCI standard vs the AKC standard - Page 13

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by Blitzen on 25 June 2014 - 17:06

One more stupid question for you, bz, does the rule of no IPO title, dog is not breed worth apply to all GSD's or just ASL's? There couldn't be a double standard going on here, could there? I know a fair number of WL breeders who got disgusted with the politics involved and no longer title their breeding stock. Still they manage to produce some pretty good dogs, at least IMO they do.

by Blitzen on 25 June 2014 - 17:06

I'll try that, HD. Thanks.

by bzcz on 25 June 2014 - 18:06

Blitzen,  It applies to all GSD's.

Again,  I had a Raudi vom Hause Welz son.  Raudi was a WUSV competitor, his Brother Rocky won the WUSV and a half brother to my dog Troy Vom Hause Welz was a WUSV competitor. 

My dog (Argus) could track like no tomorrow.  Hit like a train on the longbite.  Too thick a nerve, wouldn't guard.  It was boring to him.  He loved to fight the helper, had crazy power in his grips as long as there was fignt,  but his prey drive was too low. 

Not breed worthy, he was never bred. 

That's why we train them.  Without the training you won't know and you would hurt the GSD breed by perpetuating what should be dead end genetics.


by Blitzen on 25 June 2014 - 18:06

OK, bz, you walk the walk and I respect you for that. I like the term dead end genetics too. Never really thought about the breed in that way. Have a good one...


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