FCI standard vs the AKC standard - Page 3

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by zdog on 21 June 2014 - 15:06

wow , are you really that dense?  I gave you the answer you wanted already.  The words are the same, the dogs are different.  Why would I argue changing the words would change the dogs?  because you want me to?  because you just don't want to see what the real argument is?  I don't think anybody really means changing the words is going to do anything to change the dogs.  We have a few glaring examples with 100 years of history to look at already, LOL.

I guess I should have just left it with my first post,

Words on paper, dogs in front of you.

Think about for a while.

by zdog on 21 June 2014 - 16:06

Actually I should clarify.  There may very well be much different language between the standards, but since the words on the paper aren't the real issue at hand, I'm just going to go along with the ascertion that they aren't any different.  

by Blitzen on 21 June 2014 - 16:06

Are you done insulting me yet, Zdog?  Do you feel better now?

I'm done playing your little game. Bye bye.....


by zdog on 21 June 2014 - 16:06

awwww.  Sorry your feelings are hurt.  Nice try on the victim playing, it suits you.  I guess people are like dogs.  Some have a better temperament than others.  You asked a question, repeatedly and it was answered, repeatedly.  And because I didn't argue from a position that YOU wanted me to, you chose to ignore them and keep asking like it wasn't answered.  I thought a little leash correction in the form of a "dense" comment ( i mean really, what would you call someone you've answered a question for on separate occasions and still chose to ignore? :) ) might make you look a little closer, pay a little more attention.  I guess it just shut you down.  Oh well.


bye bye

by Ibrahim on 21 June 2014 - 19:06

So, my understanding is that GSDCA adopts AKC standard and refuses to switch to FCI standard. My question is, what would change if GSDCA switched to FCI standard?

I do not see much difference between the two standards, though there are clear differences between the German and the American GSD, each has its own virtues and shortcomings.

I hear SV pays more attention to protection than GSDCA, so maybe the latter should pay more attention to working side of the dog. I don't think if American GSD, conformation wise, becomes a copy paste of German GSD is a healthy thing, because both have different plusses and minusses, maybe both should meet in one GSD after improving on the minuses.



by Ibrahim on 21 June 2014 - 19:06




smooth trot showing a gently curved, uninterrupted upper line from the ear tips over the neck and back to the end of the tail.



 At full trot, the back must remain firm and level without sway, roll, whip or roach. Unlevel topline with withers lower than the hip is a fault


I see this difference on paper and on dogs

by Ibrahim on 21 June 2014 - 19:06


Any tendency towards over-angulation of the hindquarters reduces the stability and the stamina, and thereby the working ability



Does not acknowledge the negative impact of rear overangulation.

by Blitzen on 21 June 2014 - 19:06

Ah, now we're getting somewhere - a concise comparison of the FCI standard vs the AKC one. What would change?

Cheers, Ibrahim, I miss hearing from you.

by SitasMom on 21 June 2014 - 20:06

Ibrhim, if the AKC/GSDCA changed to the FCI standard, the dogs would be required some type of working test to become champions. This is something that the vast majority of AKC/GSDCA members are not willign to do.

By changeing to the FCI standard, all the work breeders have put into making trotting dog (mostly incapeable of work) would have to be be redirected to producing a more balanced dog.

by Blitzen on 21 June 2014 - 21:06

Where does the FCI standard talk about requiring "working tests"?


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