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Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 11 July 2014 - 22:07

Hans- name calling and threats now hu?

There are many things in life I fear Hans, you and your dogs  are not on the list. And I'm also not afraid to call someone fat, I called you a big fella because you are big. If I wanted to call you fat I would have done it politely and referred to you as a "Tusker".

Sorry to hear you got shot, are you a Veteran  or did a puppy sale go south on you?

Bz- I think the real issue here is that Hans is jealous of Sport work/real helpers and decoys and any dogs that perform real life work. Admit it Hans, you bash sport work every chance you get.

I myself do not work dogs in sport, but I have a great respect for the time and training it takes for them to succeed in obtaining their respective titles.

And before I go (yes Blitzen angel food and I loveeeee Dr. Phil) for the record Hans, you may have been the first person in the U.S. to import PS z Czech dogs,  but Tony Nikl of Canczech dogs was one of two people importing them in to Canada in the 1980's. Another gentleman in Eastern Canada was importing them as well, so you should adjust your bragging Mister.

Funny thing too, Tony never had to sneak them across the border in the trunks of cars as you claim to have done....hmmmm.

Your not still upset about our Stud Rush being on loan to the Slovak Police Breeding Station are you?  From what I understand there is quite a line up to use him.

Anyway, gotta finish baking, have a Seminar to assist Tony with this weekend.

Peace Hans/Live Long and Prosper



by beetree on 11 July 2014 - 23:07


by Blitzen on 11 July 2014 - 23:07

I don't think I've laughed this hard for months......


by Prager on 12 July 2014 - 00:07

BZCZ no I do not see that. Unfortunately I see propensity to work the dog exclusively in prey.  No  dogs are not just prey dogs though. Defense = natural protectiveness and natural dominance are part of the normal natural make up of the dog and thus it is beneficial to develop both and teach both. Prey and defense. If you teach the dog strictly in prey then he has no experience in  how to react to negative stimulus which  one day may or will inevitably come. In defense  inexperienced prey dog  which encounters scenario which will  push him into defense will then left  with an inherited  choice of flight or fight. Such dog then needs to make a choice between these two without a benefit of training.  However the dog who is trained not just in prey but also it is train in how to deal with  such negative stimulus through defense and if such dog  is train to always  response with fight, and thus such dog then has a confidence that he can win over any negative threat ,  then such dog is better prepared for PP/LE  work then dog who is trained just in prey.

 Prager Hans 

by vk4gsd on 12 July 2014 - 00:07

Blitz you owe me for me for the laffs and for taking the focus off bashing show dogs.


by Prager on 12 July 2014 - 01:07

 FYI I have never claimed that I was fist one to simply import Czech dogs in USA or to anywhere. That is a bold face  lie which you just made up.  You may "adjust " your comprehension of written text.  . I have always said that I was the first one to import Czech dogs into USA on consistent basis and that I was The original importer of "Czech"  border patrol  German shepherd dogs. I am fully aware of possibility that there could be  dogs from Czech in USA before but I do not know of any and if they were then it was not on consistent basis. But I have open mind .  Also if that is the case  they were not  z Ps = z Pohrancni straze dogs.  Z Ps GS dogs did not start to be prominent until 1981 and actually not until much later. Before that  time the Czech border patrol dogs were plagued by Czechoslovakian wolf-dog (CV as in Ceskolsovensky Vlcak) ) and poorly  bred inconsistent GSdogs. Project run by Ing. Karl Hartl who started these dogs in 1955 in Czech border patrol breeding station Libejovice and first breeding was in I think 1958 at the same location. Later on more consistently in Czechoslovak border patrol bred them in 1970ties  in station Malacky.  These CV dogs except for rare exceptions were useless as a working border patrol dogs. 

  Jiri Novotny  in the 1981 started to dismember the Czechoslovakian border patrol CV project and first GS dogs did not start to be regularly in use until much later. Even so I imported other dogs from  breeder Ota Maloun in 1980ties  the first z Ps dogs came after that. Jiri Novotny started the z Ps GSD  breeding program with 2 and then  5 DDR dogs here the are:

 Gomo v Schieferschlos

Treu Schaferstolz

​Whisky v Ritterberg

Bero v Freiesdorfer Fleur

Iwo v Buschecke.

Victor Edelquelle,

Bojar v Shatterhoff

 These were THE foundation of z Pohranicni straze dogs. 

 So I started to import Czech dogs to USA in 1/2 of  1980s the first dogs from z Pohranicni straze came in little later. Thus it is not possible to import these dogs into anywhere and that includes Canada  before let say mid 1980 +  time simply because they did not exist. The fact is that absolutely NOBODY  imported z Ps dogs anywhere before me. You can take it and check it with your DR Phil's moral compass you nincompoop

 If you want to know what I claim and have always claimed then you  or anybody  can go on my website and it reads for many many many years  Alpine Safety K9 International -The original importer of "Czech"  border patrol German shepherd dogs.  So you go and adjust your  mistaken claim.  and fix deviation and inclination on your Dr Phil's Moral compas.  


by Prager on 12 July 2014 - 01:07

 As far as us smuggling dogs in trunks of the cars from Czech  I can refer you to MVDr that is a bare fact which you can teke to bank.  Ota Meloun and Ing arch Ivan Kocka with whom I personally smugled dogs in trunck of the cars from Czech to Germany......and there were others. Anybody can PM me and I will provide them with contact info on these gentleman who will confirm that. How is your Dr Phill's moral compass doing now ., KIM????.....HUH ?  

 Hey Kim.....Get a life! A sharp tongue does not mean you have a keen mind.

 Prager Hans


by Blitzen on 12 July 2014 - 01:07

Was that a slam dunk, Bee?

by beetree on 12 July 2014 - 01:07


~~With a capital "S" 

Pirates Lair

by Pirates Lair on 12 July 2014 - 03:07

Sorry again Big Fella, I don't tell lies. It's always better to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

I suspect, that if we took a vote from everyone on this forum as to who has more credibility and integrity: You or Me...........I think I'd win.

Now, go back and read what I posted earlier and answer the questions that were asked of you.

Along with your other issues, you have a known propensity for ducking and dodging questions. When you get cornered you act like a fear biting dog, using insulting language, threats and chest thumping. That kind of smoke screen schoolyard bully stuff might work in the "Arizona Republic of Prager Hans" but nowhere else in the free world.

Many people have asked you direct questions and you have not answered them.

Now, let's put this thread to rest, nothing has or will be resolved here.

Good night Big Fella




Bee- Hope your having a great Summer Darlin




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