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by rtdmmcintyre on 14 October 2014 - 21:10

And I much agree I would prefer to see it be just one national show.  But I don't think we will ever see that unless the SV makes a stand on it.  Too many people to ever come to an agreement that will be satisfactory to all.  The only way it will happen will be if it is forced.  The problem there is I think many would just leave all together.  Because they wouldn't be happy with which club that they SV sanctioned. 

by SitasMom on 14 October 2014 - 22:10

It is possible to rotate hosting clubs, isn't it?

every third year, "your" club would host.


by jc.carroll on 14 October 2014 - 23:10

@ SitasMom,

It's been hard enough to get individual national clubs to agree on locations. One national club is supposed to rotate regions to hold their Sieger show at. This doesn't always happen, and causes a nasty schizm within that group's membership. I don't honestly think it -would- be possible to get three competing organizations to agree on rotating who plays host to a single American sieger show. It would be -awesome!- if that happened, and people put aside egos and personal agendas to just have fun competing. Alas more than a few folks have their livelihoods (and self-esteem) tied up in the success of their dogs. I'd assume the major players in North America wouldn't want anything jeopardize their placings, even though a SINGLE Sieger show would be best in many ways. 

Not the least of which, with only one VA1 being awarded in the United States, to me at least, it would make such a title really seem impressive. Welcome to America, where everyone gets a trophy! 


ps: Blitzen, thankyou for offering to Judge! I'll have my people contact your people right away. Tongue Smile

by hexe on 15 October 2014 - 08:10

rtdmmcintire, clearly I should have added the 'smiley face' symbol. It was a joke, nothing more--y'know, conspiracy theories <---> tin-foil hats...  I just happen to like that .jpeg of a GSD wearing a tin-foil hat...makes me grin a little.

Frankly, if the majority of the entrants were members of the sponsoring organization--which should surprise no one, since good members support their club's events, even when it's an event that is the polar opposite of what they do with their dogs--then logically one would expect that a fairly significant number of upper placements would likely as not be awarded to dogs belonging to members of the organization. Basic math.

When I had Sibes, we always entered one or two of our dogs--strictly racing lines, NOT what judges will look at-- in the conformation classes--to support our club, just as the folks with the conformation lines would always run their dogs in the club's races every year.  [We did have the decency to do some ring-training with the racing dogs in advance of the show, so as not to annoy the judges or the other entrants.] 

Blitzen, coming from a Mal[-amute, not -inois] background, likely as not had the same experiences with her club as I recall having.

In the GSD circles, AM lines, Euro lines, working lines, show lines-- when it comes to the scene here in the US, erm, not so much.   Which is unfortunate, IMO.


by ILMD on 15 October 2014 - 12:10

There would not be that much difference in entries if it's one show or 10. It's pretty much the same people and dogs at every show. May vary some depending on location and maybe personal preference of club, but not really that much. It's not like having one show will produce a 1000 entries.

Other countries have always laughed at what the U.S. has produced in a GSD, many here in the U.S. laugh at it. The WUSV is the only org. that can do anything about this and that's not happening.

We have dogs being exhibited that are trained, titled and have h/e checks, do a public protection phase for all to see. Does anyone  (except those benefiting from their position in respective clubs) really think that 3 clubs is hurting the breed in the U.S.


by Dog1 on 15 October 2014 - 13:10

One club would be best. One club would have the best interest of the breed. It would have all the power, offer all the services. It would be best. You would have to do things the way the club wanted you to. After all it's best to do what the club wants and the club knows what's best for the breed and you. You wouldn't have to worry about judges. The club would assign one to your event. After all they know what's best. They would be able to tell you which dogs are best, which ones would win and be able to sell them to you through one of their select members. You could be a helper in the organization, if they wanted you to be one. You may have to help their dogs from time to time, but it's best for the breed you know. Monopolies are best. They have so much to offer the individual member.

What we have now is a catastrophe. We have choices, we have opportunity. We can choose to belong to whatever club we want and no club can strong arm the membership.

When people can make their own minds up, it's a very bad thing. We need one organization that can do everything for everyone.


by Dog1 on 15 October 2014 - 13:10


The same people going to the shows all the time? Have you looked at the entries in the GSDCA Sieger Show and the NASS? Well, I know it's difficult since the NASS catalog is not published. Two totally different types of entries overall with very little overlap.

by zdog on 15 October 2014 - 13:10

so 2 out of 3 sieger shows have the same people involved


by Dog1 on 15 October 2014 - 14:10


Two out of the three are set up similarly. Rules are in place, judges are unbiased, your dog gets what it earns. A lot of people find that refreshing. There's no real need to debate it. The people will decide what they like best by showing their support through entries.

by SitasMom on 15 October 2014 - 16:10

Dog1, when GSDCA decided to schedule their Sieger Show only 1 week earlier then WUSV/NASS it forced many to make a decision. Many didn't have the vacation time, others lived far away and couldn't afford staying in hotels for 12 days, many couldn't say away from home for that long, and others couldn't drive there and back to both shows.

IMO, this was not in the best interest of our dogs.


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