Woman's March on Washington 2017 - Page 1

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by beetree on 04 December 2016 - 15:12

Any thoughts on this? Is there a cohesive message that includes all women and their supportive men, or is it the not so subtle outlet for an obvious protest of the election result? The timing and the naming of the event has its conflicts. Transparency is questioned, too. What would be a satisfactory result? Who is going?




by Mindhunt on 04 December 2016 - 19:12

From my understanding it is a non-violent march of women to remind President-Elect Trump and his upcoming cabinet that women will not tolerate rolling back their rights, those of minorities, or the LGBT community (women from all groups are marching).  His recent cabinet picks do not bode well for reproductive rights, equality in the work place, families, minorities, and LGBT members, or social security which is all many women have to live on in retired life.  I have friends who are pro-women reproductive rights, pro-equality in the work place, believe social security is NOT an entitlement and should NOT be privatized (rather something all have worked for and put money into (think savings account for retirement unless a savings bank account is an entitlement?), pro-feminism (which actually means equality and respect NOT men hating), minorities, Lesbian, Transgender, and Bisexual (many are married to their partners and many who have biological or adoptive children). 

by beetree on 04 December 2016 - 23:12

I really just learned about this evolving event. It seems to be a knee jerk reaction borne out of protest desires that have since been backed up and adjusted to now conform within the concepts of the most revered MLK and the now annual gathering of the Million (Man) Woman marches.

If the goals were truly meant as a preventative dose to bolster progressive achievements and silence any thoughts of slide backs dealing with the plight of womanhood, including the expanding gender bases, and not a full frontal confrontation to the result of the winning elected candidate, then the timing of the happening wouldn't be so significant.

That fact kind of pales the entire noblesse of the endeavor and their raisson d'être.

I think that any intended message would be heard by and engender sympathy by a more receptive President-elect Trump if the event timing had been more thoughtful. 

I don't think gaining Trump's ear and understanding is what is important to the marchers. They hope it goes the other way. 

It should be interesting, that is for sure.



by Mindhunt on 06 December 2016 - 19:12

Considering who he has chosen for his cabinet so far and his comments during the campaign, I think women should be very worried unless they like their token or 2nd class status that Trump and much of his cabinet believes in.  His "locker room talk" which was anything but, his comments on entering the pageant dressing rooms with naked women because he could, his son's comments on women should get another job if harassed on the current one, Bannon stating women on birth control are crazy and unattractive, Pence and his demand for a funeral for the fetus if aborted, miscarried, etc., and  Pence's hatred for abortion and women's reproductive rights, Trump's comment that a woman should be punished for seeking an abortion, the current cabinet and their anti-LGBT stance, Trump stating he will overturn the marriage equality act, the fact he was against equal pay for equal work, and the list goes on.  Yes women and LGBT individuals should be Very Very afraid........I don't believe the timing is anything but good, it is a wake up call to the upcoming president elect that women will NOT accept his or his cronies' ideas that they are 2nd class citizens

by Noitsyou on 06 December 2016 - 20:12

Gaining Trump's ear and understanding? Trump is not a god nor is he a monarch. He is the president, a public SERVANT. American citizens don't need to plan their marches and protests around a politician's schedule or consider his or her sensitivities. We shouldn't have to beg them for what should be ours but rather they should fear us. Engender sympathy, gain his ear? Yeah, they should pay him homage and ask him with a pretty please to protect their rights.

Trump is an old man. He isn't changing how he thinks so he needs to be made to understand that people won't give up their rights without a fight. The irony is that his campaign basically ran on the message of putting fear in the hearts of DC politicians. Well, he is one them now.

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 06 December 2016 - 20:12

Mindhunt, I have better than 20/20 vision, and I have to say, that font is hard to read on a phone.

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 06 December 2016 - 20:12

Mindhunt, Just checked on the laptop and it looks different. hard to read on a phone.

by beetree on 06 December 2016 - 21:12

I agree Chaz, it is very hard to read.

Mindhunt, the point is the organizers said it wasn't a protest against the election, when actually, it is. This wasn't planned in advance, it was planned in response to the reaction. And yes, if the point was to create understanding and change of opinion, one should want whatever one is saying to be heard by the party needing the change.

Otherwise, it is just venting.


by Mindhunt on 07 December 2016 - 18:12

Sorry Chaz, sometimes my computer defaults to that script no matter the program. I don't go on this website from my phone lol.

Noitsyou, I agree but get the politicians to see that.


by beetree on 07 December 2016 - 20:12

At least now, they are finally admitting that this grassroots women's march is a protest of the election. I get the feeling a confrontation is being tested with the timing because of the visceral reaction from losing to Trump. It is a way of denying him his triumphal moment, or any sort of victory. Oddly confrontational, I am thinking. Peaceful exchange of power is barely palatable to the Hillary defeated camp. I think that is a strong undertone.

If Trump were to make a speech at the march, that would be a sure way to make some history! Can anyone imagine how that one would go?



Is Noitsyou going? 


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