BSZS BREAKING NEWS??????? - Page 1

Pedigree Database

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by ATARTHS on 29 August 2009 - 20:08

Its hard not to be able to be in Germany for the Siegershow, due work obligations. So is there someone out there with the latest news from Ulm?????????? Surely there has to be someone with some info about all the juicy stuff, so please any one give us the latest...............

by Justitia on 29 August 2009 - 20:08

The worst judge of all time is: Peter Arth
He makes bad decisions and ruinded the careers of male !

Der schlechteste Richter aller Zeiten ist: Peter Arth
Er trifft Fehlentscheidungen und ist nicht fähig einen Schutzdienst ordentlich und fair zu richten.
Er hat durch seine Fehlentscheidung die Karriere von Rüden innerhalb von wenigen Minuten zerstört und ein
ganzes Stadion sah zu.


by Silbersee on 29 August 2009 - 21:08

jetzt bin ich aber neugierig? Welche Rueden waren es denn? Ich kann dieses Jahr leider nicht live dabei sein! Also erzaehl, bitte!

Breaking News? Well, Javir vom Talka Marda is considered for the first ring. I guess because he showed a progeny group and he was cheered. Hutch von der Kalten Hardt got his V-rating again and if I am not mistaken, he is already qualified for the BSP. He wants to go for Universal Sieger title again (last year, he got 2nd place). But it seems that he will have lots of competition as there were quite  a lot of workinglines entered this year, also females. Just check out the dogs awarded for best bitework, except for one male and two females, all workinglines!

by Gustav on 30 August 2009 - 01:08

Fantastic, it appears a good chance that the genetic bottleneck through Canto/Quanto may be broken if Javir receives a high enough rating....Maybe the SV is starting to take notice from the inside(genetically), instead of improving these lines from the outside by just breeding stronger dogs but same bloodlines. I'm pulling for Javir all the way...he is a gorgeous dog and its incredible what he can do for the genetic make up of the showlines. Thanks for the post Chris!!


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