Public notice about NC Trainer - Page 1

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by wlpool on 11 September 2009 - 04:09

My public notice
Okay all we use this board to inform each others of great deals and great rip offs. My last great deal was obviously my Hanz. Here is my last great horrible event. I don’t need feedback because it is finally over, but just food for thought in case you are looking.
I saw an ad for a trainer here on the board and asked for any comments on Rentz working dogs. I got one that was a positive response and no negatives so I email him. I sent video of the dog working. After a few emails I went up to North Carolina. When I was there he evaluated Hanz and said that he would train him and get his BH and Sch 1 at his local Schutzhund show in October. I said that would be fine and that was a very long time for me to be away from Hanz. He had offered a loner dog in an email but said that the dog needed an experienced handler. I agreed to take a look. In the end Rentz got my dog and I took the loner unvaccinated loner. Got home vaccinated Trax and went on my merry waiting game. I paid Rentz working dogs 800.00 a month for the next 3 months without issue. I did take loner dog back BC he was not good with horses and food aggressive. I would get a quick update when it was time for me to send another 800.00 check.
On September 8 - I sent this email.
Hey, Jeff. I am emailing bc I have some questions and would like an update on Hanz.
When is show?
How does it work? Are there places like 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
Can I take him after the show?
Will he be affected by my presence at the show?
How is he mentally? Physically?
Is he ready for the title?
Did you get the payment?
His response to this was very ambiguous and worried me but it seemed to be more that the Judge that he was going to use passed away. BUT, it did say that he would not be ready for any October show for typical reasons ie not strong enough here yet, needs touch up there. Needs work on strange fields. I then asked very specific questions as to what was going on and was it that the judge passed away or that his talent would not get him the title yet. As some point soon after, I said okay no problem I will go pick him up and bring him to Texas and finish him here. He sent me an email back saying that I was being very disrespectful her talking to a local trainer. I told him that I was not trying to be or sound disrespectful at all and that I was sorry that he felt that way. I also said that I wasn’t accusing him of being a bad trainer, just that I was not prepared to be without Hanz until December and I could not agree to leave him for this new time frame. I told him to get my final bill ready and call me so I could pick up some cash and pay with cash for the final payment. Soon after that I got a phone call from Rentz Working dogs. I again told him that I was sorry that he felt bad and I was not saying that he is a bad trainer, but December was not going to work for me. He could not understand why I wouldn’t just leave Hanz there for the BH instead and I told him that I would just get them together in Texas even if I had to be trained and do it myself. He got very aggravated and when I asked why he said that he put this training into the dog and he wouldn’t be able to show him. He also said if he had know I would not let him go to December he would have taken the dog on. I told him that I paid 2400.00 to him for the time that he had been there and I had made a very large emotional and financial investment in the dog and he did not make his window and there were no hard feelings I just was not going to pursue it right now and not until I could just hang with Hanz for a bit and later I would either pay someone in Texas close to me to finish him out or pay someone to instruct me on how to finish him out myself. He sent me an email confirming a phone conversation and that he would give me the dog when I got to NC


by wlpool on 11 September 2009 - 04:09

He told me I owed 400.00 final payment. I got in my big SUV and started my seemingly happy trip to pick up my dog. When I was two hours from Wingate, NC I receive and email that says I have to sign a release form. No biggy I emailed back and asked for a copy of it. Well, this is where the story becomes a nightmare.
This thing says I originally know about him getting a schutzhund title(LIE) and that Hanz isn’t ready (no big deal on this statement) and I would not commit Slander against Rentz working dogs (no big deal I don’t tend to commit slander BC its against the law, PERIOD) BUT, it went on to say that I could not talk about the TRANSACTION AT ALL (GAG ORDER). Plus, that I take him as is to be in good health. I called him and I told him the document was full of lies and I would not sign it. I asked him to change it to reflect the truth and I would happily sign it. He became very IRRATE and started to cuss. I immediately call the police bc I don’t sign fraudulent docs and Jeff had already started cussing horribly at me and I did not want to show up with 400 dollars and have him take my money and take my dog because I would not sign this Fraudulent document. I told him I called the police so he told me to meet him at a bank. The Officer met me there then called Rentz Working Dogs. Then Jeff came walking up to the Police unit. He showed the document to the officer I told the officer I would not sign it bc it had fraudulent staments and a gag order in it. I tried to give him a money order for the 400.00 and he would not take it he had communicated to me that he would keep my dog and charge me 25.00 a day until I signed the document. I was shaking and very upset so I told the officer that I was done and I would need him as a witness to me trying to give Rentz the final payment, then said I would go see the magistrate and file a law suit against Jeff the the entire cost of Hanz (which internally made me really cry BC he really is my precious prince). Jeff then changed the date to reflect October and I told him that he could leave the slander statement in but he had to remove the Gag order. He did. I gave him the Money order and went to his car to get my Hanz. I checked Hanz’s tat and they got insulted. We went into bank to get notary and I then noticed that the doc had this acceptance of health clause so Rentz gets all irate again bc I said again I would not sign it bc he could have poisoned Hanz and I wouldn’t know. In the end, we agreed that I would pay for a vet to give a health check. Signed the doc. Take off to Petsmart to get Hanz vetted. Vet could not see Hanz until 2 which was like 3 hours away. So I said that I was going to start driving in the direction of home and I would stop and the next vet I got to. Rentz’s wife (name unknown) calls me IN FRONT OF EVERYONE IN PETSMART a BI#@H and Wh*&e. I turned around and said excuse me? She said, “that’s right your heard me Bi&*H.” I told both of them that I was done with any business that had to do with them and started walking to my truck to go to the next Petsmart. Jeff chases me out to my truck. He said, “Windy, windy, wait, I just want to say one more thing” I said, “Jeff if you touch me I will call the police.” When I turned around he stood over me and said, “if you tell anybody about this I will go to Texas and KILL all of your Horses”. I told him to get away from me and never speak to me again. I then left and he followed me driving aggressively for a while. I got the phone to call the police but realized we were no longer in the same town so number would not be right. Then I thought wait my big SUV could just drive right over that little thing of his so I slowed down and drove on. He finally turned around and I went down to the next Petsmart to get a vet check and they were unavailable until 2 as well so I drove on. I will get him vetted when I get home. I did


by wlpool on 11 September 2009 - 04:09

I did call the police when I was in Georgia and they said that I can press criminal charges if I am willing to go back and sign paper. I said no thanks. I will do a restraining order in Texas.
So the moral of the story. I had a very Bad Experience with RENTZ WORKING DOGS. If you have a list going you may choose to add this name to it.
PLUS, food for thought in Texas you can legally shoot to protect your stuff 
One the Hanz front his is happy to be back with me. I don’t think he is a huge fan of life in a kennel. Oh well.
Happy/safe Canine dealings.



by wlpool on 11 September 2009 - 05:09

oops.  This is suppose to read:
This thing says I originally know about him getting a schutzhund title until December(LIE) and that Hanz isn’t ready (no big deal on this statement) and I would not commit Slander against Rentz working dogs (no big deal I don’t tend to commit slander BC its against the law, PERIOD) BUT, it went on to say that I could not talk about the TRANSACTION AT ALL (GAG ORDER).

by VonWal on 11 September 2009 - 17:09

I will not comment against the trainer named because, obviously, I don't have firsthand knowledge, etc. but I just wanted to say your post made me nauseated due to being upset. 

I would have, however, when the time came to pick your boy up, done the same thing you had done: called the police, have them meet you there, etc.  I also would not have signed a release, and it's pretty poor that a professional trainer would have someone sign a release like the one presented.  Something tells me this isn't the first time that something like this has happened. 

I, too, would not have signed "my dog is in good health" without being physically seen nor examined by a licensed Veterinarian.  As far as the "gag order," that would have sent up so many red flags when I read that....I think I would have been shaking from worry and anger. 

I am glad that you got your dog back in one piece, and  I certainly hope you never have to deal with these people again. 

by seablue on 11 September 2009 - 17:09

I can't comment on the paperwork since I have never seen it.  But I can speak for Jeff.  I have known Jeff for many, many years.  And I regard him as a good friend.  And I can say one thing for sure... he nor his family would NEVER EVER hurt an animal.  These are compassionate people who love animals.  They adopted a couple of my barn kittens once and they loved those cats like part of the family.  Many many years ago I had one of his old Mals on loan to see if I would like to get one (since I didn't know the breed).  My male GSD got in with him and killed his Mal.  What a nightmare.  I was so upset and I had to call Jeff to tell him the news.  We both cried on the phone and I knew he was heartbroken.  He asked me to do one thing and that was to have him specially creamated for him and of course I did.  
So anyone who is interested in getting a Rentz puppy or dog or having it trained by Jeff - GO FOR IT.    I would leave one of mine with him anytime.  And I'm PICKY!!!!  


by Ramage on 11 September 2009 - 17:09

This is why I refuse to send my dogs anywhere for training. Either I train them myself, with help of my club, or they don't get trained at all. I am too paranoid to allow anyone to take my dog. I have heard too many horro stories.


by PowerHaus on 11 September 2009 - 17:09

Well, the only Horror story here is that Wendy Pool who has some mental illness is NOT making a public notice but has started a SMEAR campaign against a good person!  If it were truely a "Public Notice" then she would have left out her convoluted drama!

She has a reputation here on this pedigreedatabase and it aint a good one!


by Sandy on 11 September 2009 - 18:09

Why did you feel the need to post this in two locations, wlpool?  The whole thing sounds weird to me (or at least your version of it sounds very strange).  Please see my response on the other board.


by PowerHaus on 11 September 2009 - 18:09


What response are you refering to on the other board?  Is she posting this crap somewhere besides Pedigreedatabase?



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