german shepherd is a working dog showline people must find another breed!! - Page 15

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by gsdstudent on 23 March 2013 - 17:03

kyto; I have been cooking, cutting my own meat and eating it for sometime now. Your rant makes no sense if you get involved with the GSD more than on the internet. Look at what you wrote. nobody spends more than the americans. the chinese spend more and expect less. I do not care who spends the most and  in the most foolish manner. I can spend my training time with sport buddys who raise and train their own dogs. We do throw in an import now and then. We get a chance to see trainers from all around the world and love it. This thread is rubbish and getting sillier all of the time. Please if you have never worked the GSD you just bought, forget how you got to this web site and go meet some good trainers. It is far more rewarding than this trash.

by kyto on 24 March 2013 - 05:03

meet some good trainners, thats funny my club for many years now is oc vlaendren in belgium, maby do some homework and find out wicht trainners all come out of our club  i think you could be in for a suprise LOL, many dogs you are talking about here on this forum i worked several times as a helper ho do think i know roger barnero go's to his motherside and not to the eros-ellute side certainly not from hearsay or assumptions based on titles
some trainners who originate from our club and i had the pleasure to work whith
julien steenbeke
mario verslype
geert verlinden
ismael devos
renaat bruseel
​felix ho
ingmar sioen
and yes i did several times helperwork for ronny and eros to so you see looking for better trainners than the ones i know already could be kind of difficult unless you got some sugestions??? but never the less you misseds the point of what i'm saying, you pay to much money for certain dogs, 10-15 years ago you had good reason, these day's there are more than enough quality dogs in the states to have a succesfull breeding program
frozen seemen is always availeble and a lot cheaper to use, want an importdog by a pup but stop the big titled big money imports because as long as that much money is involved the GSD is going down and will never restore to what it should be.
if frozen semen is not availebel don't use the stud, biggest reason for this is low quality of the semen the advantage of getting pups is you really know what their like and what qualliti's they have so what they can add to a breeding program, totally trainned, titled dogs you don't know if you haven't seen them as a pup/young dog in person don't think you can know a dog from internet video's

by gsdstudent on 24 March 2013 - 09:03

kyto; congrats on the great company you keep! it still does not change the fact that this is a worthless rant [ the complete thread started by a malcontent] you support my last '' cry-out'', GO TRAIN YOUR DOGS! disconnect from this site and get involved. If you work here in the States it is more difficult than in Western Europe. We are so few and so far apart. If every GSD person gets confused by UScA, wda, gsdca, SV. WUSV, FCI, or RSV 2000 we will all just flounder. The rudder to the ship will be involvement with training dogs, and breeding , and than political action. I believe a lot of the confusion is created by people who do not want a solution.

by kyto on 24 March 2013 - 09:03

take down politics first, they need people to rule, dogpeople don't need some breedclub dictating their rules all over the world join AWDA/rsv2000 or something and see how long all those other organisations can keep it up if they don't have members left to fill their pockets

by eddyelevation on 24 March 2013 - 10:03

how much proof does someonme have to have before they are considered a valuable and approved voice for the GSD breed??

by joanro on 24 March 2013 - 10:03

"Follow the money" and you can usually get to the root of problems. Dogs are a DIY endeavour. If people are not willing to listen to reason/experience, and instead want to hang onto the likes of the doomed dinosaur that worked at the beginning, but now mired in a tar pit, they will end up as fossils. JMO

by gsdstudent on 24 March 2013 - 12:03

dear eddy; first step, go train a dog. second step ; do not create conflict.                                                              To Kyto, Politics do have a significant  function. If we all stand together strong we can keep out-side-influences, like the ''green party'' from messing up our training and breeding programs. Small groups and individuals can not have the impact, as well as an organized national club. How can we demonstrate, the benefits  our programs have,  to  a government ?. I am very concern of some outside group saying ''no'' training of ''bite work'' for any dog for any reason.                          I have great respect for Herr Doctor Rieser! When he became an officer of the SV. it was a great day for GSD. He is one of a few who can stand up and take on the ''powers that be'' at the SV. His ideas, ideals, and programs in the RSV 2000 should be intergrated into the SV. Maybe there should be KKL one and two plus KKL VA, to coin an option.  KKLVA is dogs who pass the RSV 2000 breed test. It is a dream.                              My question is , has Dr Rieser been marginalized by become a ''rogue organization? Is his impact easier to thwart by not being inside the SV? We are splintered here in the states and need to get larger, and better organized. Join a national club and insist things get better. There are two now. Will 3 make a difference?

by kyto on 24 March 2013 - 14:03

ever thought about the fact that if you joined AWDA as a group you could get the support of AKC? mixing RSV2000 in SV/WUSV is not an option if you wanna help the breed forward, dumping SV/WUSV and the recognition of RSV2000 by AKC/FCI as the breed club of country of origin would solve not all but at least part of the problem as long as SV tries tu rule the world the future of the GSD looks very dark to me
what kkl considers thats no test make it something else and if you demand exl on the schowpart demand it on the work part also and not like it is now 2 easy bites 
want KKL1 then let people enter 2x schow with result exl under 2diffrent judges and 2x sch3 with exl as end qualli so 286/300 or higher totallt free of hips,elbow and spine than it would mean something now it's just a political joke without any meaning

by eddyelevation on 24 March 2013 - 14:03

not creating conflict.............conflict is already present.

someone askes someone to prove themselves and they do.................then suddenly that is not important because its abput something else..............then why ask for proof??

by kyto on 24 March 2013 - 14:03

what dr raiser concerns, he already is recognized by the FCI as a member club so the intent of SV/WUSV to marginilize him and rsv2000 has failed for a big part now i hope the other continents america's,asia will follow and recognize them to at least people who ore not happy with german world domination have an option now to choose an other way than follow WUSV/SV only time will tell if it's better but i have faith in them, they work dogs themselves, enter competitions so they still have feeling/contact with the base of dogsport people who work their dogs on the field so rogue organisation maybe in the eyes of SV/WUSV in my eyes the best chance the GSD has had in a long time


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