HELP !! sarcoptic mange / neem oil for natural treatment - Page 1

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by 123lyn45 on 22 April 2013 - 03:04

Hi everyone

Has anyone used neem oil for treatment of sarcoptic mange, I am looking for a natural treatment, fed up with giving dogs chemical cocktails.

Can you help.

by Blitzen on 22 April 2013 - 09:04

You are probably not going to find an natural cure that will kill sarcoptic mange mites. There are dips available that will kill them. You need to be vigilant with scabies or every dog in your household will soon be effected and all humans who come in contact with a dog that has them will scratch 24/7. The upside is they don't live long off the dog, so there's not a big need to disinfect the environment and they don't live on humans, they bite and fall off looking for a dog.


by fawndallas on 22 April 2013 - 09:04

Someone on here used clove oil that I think did well.  I am not sure if it was this type of mange though.


by laura271 on 22 April 2013 - 10:04

Bhaugh had a relatively recent thread on using clove oil to treat sarcoptic mange (and she also used Revolution).

by Blitzen on 22 April 2013 - 15:04

You really need to soak the entire dog to be sure you kill all the mites. I think that might be a lot harder to do with an oil than an insecticidal dip.

by GSDluver07 on 22 April 2013 - 18:04

I rescued a Jack Russell/ Chi mix that had it really BAD. I mean this puppy had no hair and sores all over. We gave him 1/10 cc of Ivermecton and when when the sores started to heal we use Adams's mange dip. it worked wonderfully. Here is a before and after of Tango. It took about a month for all of his hair to come back. hope this helps.

by B.Andersen on 22 April 2013 - 18:04

Best to use a effective treatment as ivermectin and a lyme sulphur dip before these non natural treatments dogs died from this. Coyotes foxes and wolves still do die from this.

by Blitzen on 22 April 2013 - 18:04

I agree, it causes such intense scratching for dogs that they don't get anything else done but scratch. I had the misfortune of taking in a new dog that had scabies. In 2 days every dog in my kennel was scratching, all 10. My family and I had bites that were so itchy I can't even begin to describe the intensity. Mosquitos bites are nothing compared to scabies. They burrow into the dogs' skin, so are hard to kill with topicals. It's time to get out the big guns.


by guddu on 24 April 2013 - 19:04

Neem=old Indian medicine....has a lot of medicinal benefits.


by Bhaugh on 25 April 2013 - 01:04

I had Candy on Revolution, which is a form of ivermectin  and it did NOTHING. Or maybe it did something but honestly I couldn't really tell. What probably did the best was the borax wash. She still scratches A LOT and honestly it just drives me insane. She is best on raw diet, salmon oil, coconut oil, and a very green supplement. She also gets bee pollen that works pretty good. The puppy shown above I wonder if he had demodex mange because Candy still had all her hair. Its just broken from all the scratching. The clove oil mixed with water and sprayed on the coat does work but it will build up on the coat. There have been clinical studies on clove oil killing the mites. People thought I was pretty nuts to use it but I think it's worth consideration. I threw out all her bedding and I still spray the area rugs with the clove and water.

I did buy some neem oil over the weekend and gave her a bath with the neem, shampoo and some lavender oil and she is better than she was. She was getting pretty scratchy there but I did have her on some kibble to try to see if diet played a role. Her coat looks great. I've had her 3 months so not sure if this will ever go away. Sad Smile



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