getting puppy soon any adivse! - Page 1

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by cilla gsd on 14 February 2015 - 03:02

Hi I'm getting a male puppy from Vom faehnrich kennel on thursday and was wondering if there is any advise that someone can help me with.

He will be 3 months.
I'm actually looking to show him and was wondering when would be aa good time to show him? I was thinking 6 months.

Also as far as him coming home is there any advise on how I can help him maybe feel more comfortable?


by Hundmutter on 14 February 2015 - 12:02

Hi 'cilla' and welcome to PDB.

To help with your second question first,  a couple of things you can do

which will help:

Ring the breeder and ask if you can give them a small blanket or similar

[maybe one of your old sweaters] to put in the pups bed for a day or two,

then bring away when you collect, it will find smells of mother and home


Take somebody with you when you collect, to hold the pup or to drive for

you, so the puppy is held securely, not just laid on a car seat,  prevents

accidents if pup wriggles !  Or invest in a crate / travel kennel in advance.

Pay careful attention to what the breeder recommends for food for the pup,

and the amounts per meal / day,  and keep the pup on that food for at least

the first week. even if you think you could change to something better.  The

pup has to adjust to new home / people / excitement level,  and water supply:

it does not need the added stress  of a new diet.  Being on even what you

may regard as an inferior food won't kill the pup, for a few days.  An upset

digestive system, particularly diorrea, might.


As to Shows, it depends where you are, and what competitions you want to

enter, but yes 6 months is generally a good time to start.  But the work begins

now - if you haven't already found one, seek  and enrol at a dog club asap.

Training in Ringcraft, and basic obedience/manners training, will benefit both

you and your puppy, help you learn what to do to enter and attend Shows,

and the socialisation that comes with all this will be useful.


Wishing you the very best of luck with your new family member.

by Michael10 on 15 February 2015 - 00:02

Are you going to be doing Conformation Shows? The first class starts at 3-6 months or 4-6 months depending on the Organization hosting the a Shows. What part of the country are you located in and what level of experience do you have showing dogs? 


by Markobytes on 15 February 2015 - 17:02

I am assuming you live near Chicago. I would make sure both testicles have descended otherwise you can't show in SV events. The USCA Siegershow is being held in Zion May 14-17. Showing puppies can be fun and if you do live in that area you have more opportunities available and more people that can help. 

by cilla gsd on 15 February 2015 - 20:02

Thank you Hundmutter :)
I would have never thought of something to put in the crate for the pupy with the mothers scent!!
The flight will be 3 hours I think it's pretty long for a puppy!!
There will a couple of people picking him up. My father and brother to sit with him
The food was Definitely good advise as well :)
I really would like to have him in confirmation showing Kathy thinks he would do really well in it!!
His whole line for 5 generations is Schh/ipo :)
I think his bite work is something he would do amazing in!!!
Markobytes and michael10
He's registered akc. I was seeing a show in March that I'm going to attend it starts at 4-6 months class. I really don't have experience in showing dogs. But there are places around here to train for bitework.
I'm thinking of flying up to illionis for the USCA sieger show I would have vacation days from work then!! I wanted to attend the one last year in Dallas but I was not able to get the days off work :( there's a lot more opportunities up north for shows. I live outside San Antonio, Texas about 40 minutes from their Airport.


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