My Dog's Odd Vomiting. - Page 1

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by AFSF on 07 October 2008 - 15:10

 Ok, I've done some digging around the internet and have also been to the vet twice.

We got our dog Eicka from a reputable breeder here in Germany when she was about 2 months old.  She has had some odd throwing up spells that we could not figure out for some time.  After much discussion with the vet and a bit of experimentation my pup does not chew on anything she could swallow (like her favorite old socks), is on a strict diet (Wellness Super5Mix Large Breed Puppy Health) and only eats twice a day at 730am/pm.  She also gets small pieces of cheese for treats instead of whatever it is they sell at the store.  A lot of the vomiting we noticed, happened if she didn't get her breakfast or dinner RIGHT on time. (And I mean down to the minute)

Things went really well for the 2 months leading up to her recent gastropexy/spay surgery 2 weeks ago.  She hasn't thrown up or started heaving at all.  All those things mentioned above worked out great.  But now she's starting again.  3 times today in fact.  Could it be that she's getting into something I haven't found yet?  (Can't find anything)  Could it be that she's adjusting after surgery?

I'm thinking about splitting her meals up over 3 times a day in different amounts. That's all I can come up with.  She also seems a little small.  57lbs at 8 months old today. 

Vet is clueless and says a lot of dumb stuff sometimes (like byproduct in food is just what they'd get in the wild eating all the parts so it's the most natural diet they can have...) but I live overseas and am in the military.  I keep my vet because it's on the American dollar and is much cheaper.

Please help, I'm very worried about her.  Otherwise she is fine, solid and regular stool, plenty of energy and eats and drinks fine.


Thanks so much.

by Dogtired425 on 09 October 2008 - 00:10

Has your pup been tested for Mega-E?   Megaesophagus causes vomitting in puppies/dogs.   It is caused by an enlarged esophagus.   When the pup eats the food just sits in the esophagus and does not move down into the stomache.   Then the pup throws it back up.

Ask your vet to do an X-ray to rule it out.





by Ceph on 09 October 2008 - 09:10

Her weight sounds fine as far as I can tell...My Dutch-bred female is about 60-65 pounds at one year...and she's a little on the tall side, so 57 pounds is a good weight at that age.

I would try the Mega-E test if you can -- it's not too hard and the vet should be able to do it...if not I would talk to the breeder and see what they have to say...they probably have a good clue of what is in their lines and what isnt.

Also -- if you think it might be a food / sensitive stomach issue, you might want to look into feeding Raw...I'm not 100% sure about Germany, but I know it wasnt too hard to get it in Holland, it was just knowing about where to go to find the pre-made mixes.


by hodie on 29 October 2008 - 01:10

 Have you treated this dog for roundworms? This is a common thing when a dog has roundworms........


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